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Vedanta's guru-shishya-parampara is self-knowledge (jnana-yoga) transferred from teacher to student to help remove ignorance of reality AS-IT-IS. It's teachings establish ways of intelligent living. And brings clarity pertaining to nature of Self.

Vedanta, specifically Advaita (non-duality) is a tradition sourced in Vedas of India — revealing the depth of ever-true wisdom within the three major texts: Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Brahma Sutras. They are further elaborated through Adi Shankara's Tattva Bodha − and Swami Vidyaranya's Panchadasi.


Yes Vedanta's purpose is to systematically unfold the methodology of these texts, so the student can actually arrive to the same understanding, vision or realization of the absolute reality as oneself — right here and now.

Spiritual Disciplines Archives • Glenna Marshall

Vedanta is not a philosophy. Not a school of thought. Not a system of beliefs which can be negated from different angles. Not a set of contentions.

It remains independent of your thoughts about it. Just how one's existence remains independent of whether one verbally acknowledge one's existence or not.

It's like a wooden chair doing different meditations hoping to discover the wood; the all-pervasive-reality. In truth, the chair is never not the wood.

Between Death And Rebirth

This is precisely what Vedanta methodology serves to resolve once and for all – using original and ever-fresh teachings of the texts mentioned above.

I am also a disciple of Swami Dayanandaji. I was going through your website. And I must say I am impressed. Your conviction, dedication, bhavana and understanding of the knowledge is all amazing.

I want to send my sincere gratitude for helping me realize that I'm already, and has always been, free. I've been following you on YouTube for a couple of years. Through you, found and read some Swami Dayanandas books. It has slowly but steadily dawned on me (the intellect) who I really am (or what “I” is and is not). You have a very precise and clear way of communicating the teachings and I love the attention to detail (being a detail freak myself).

The One Hour Miracle

I have been listening to Swami Sarvapriyananda whose teachings I find quite accessible.  Your teaching styles are similar, but very different.  He is more composed and goes slower than you, repeating the same thing in many different ways so that you finally get a grip on the concept.  You, coming from a different background, are so much quicker, enthusiastic, dynamic in your teaching, using reference to ordinary living which makes the teachings seem closer somehow.

I am able to see the God in me more clearly after the session yesterday. I am able see that the content of the consciousness is consciousness itself. I loved the examples you gave – the distance between the consciousness and the content, the bucket with water, etc. Every single word of yours makes sense. It has been a tremendous 20 hours or so.  Everything makes sense. Aham Brahmasi. I see Him who is always omnipresent, unchanged.

You have clearly been well educated and I feel there is a link between Neema's style and your own. Clear pragmatic knowledge, no spiritual “fluff”, no “nonsense”. The world is full of fluff masquerading as practicality! Just direct analysis and experiential enquiry. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Thanks for clearing all my doubts and thanks for being one of the waves in the ocean of water to guide another ignorant wave (body-mind). My mind has grasped the knowledge that there is actually only H2O (awareness), and the problem of not holding this understanding permanently, lies with the ignorance of mind. You helped me to understand the basis of Vyavaharika Reality & Grace of God which kept me grounded so that I don't error due to ego of the mind. I will always keep in mind the tendency/habit of having danger of attracting towards Samsara, so will keep doing Nidhidyasanam till last breath.

You are the only one I came across who are so focused to reveal the essence of Gita in its true nature, next only to Swami Prabhupada. There is a very strict adherence to rendering the correct import of the slokas, without veering away. That makes you a very rare and unique spiritual teacher. I get from you what the Gita stands for; nothing more nothing less, and that is a faculty not many possess. If readers disagree, please point to me someone who is more direct and non-extravagant as this Acharya is.


Just to let you know that I am a great follower of your online lessons… My enthusiasm to re-learn the Advaita Vedanta according to your explanation is increasing and am finding a great understanding to apply it in my daily living. I wish to thank you for your great efforts in presenting such awesome knowledge to a level of my understanding as a whole.

The Joker #11 Review

Thanks again for making this text so understandable and applicable to our daily lives. I feel this is the most important class I've taken on this lifetime, and feel beyond grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to be guided to a clear understanding of my true nature.

At the outset, I'd like to express my profound happiness on learning about Yes Vedanta and your noble mission and cause. It's just adbhutam! Your website is also so informative, impressive and open! I've already spent a number of hours listening to the Bhagavad Gita lectures, and find them so thought-provoking. I admire and respect you immensely.

I have been a staunch follower of Advita Vedanta. And I’ve grown up with Mahabharata and Ramayana. Knowing what I know, I can tell that the speaker is a “punyatma” . A Divine soul. And possesses accurate and exemplary understanding of Vedas the kind of which is uncommon even in India. Thank you for enlightening us here.

Awakening Your Inner Power

The teacher did such a wonderful job of explaining everything so clearly that the only prerequisite required to keep up was to have been born and lived a little while. So good, highly recommend attending if you were only contemplating it.

You are very wise at a young age. Very unique and interesting vedantic/spiritual talk, and I have seen hundreds! Please continue on your path. You will bring the truth/vedanta to many lost souls.


As result of their irrefutable logic (which you'll learn about in the course) — the answers to above questions can't be negated from any point of view at any time.

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Because upon investigation, you'll find they are pointing to the One reality which is true even now. Yet the aspirant's mind hasn't captured THE reality yet because of distorted notions.

Just like one is unable to clearly make out whether it's a rope or a snake due to insufficient light. So we feel, speak and act according to our mistaken projections, and not THE reality.

Therefore gravity can't be considered a religion or a philosophy. It's is not owned by any author. It is a non-negatable fact.

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And the method is done by a special kind of knowledge, called self-knowledge (brahmavidya / jnana-yoga). It's purpose is to free oneself from sense of limitation. From projection. From assumption.

But this attitude robs the devotee from hearing the full message. It doesn't address emotions. Bypasses psychology. Skips world of matter. Disregards science.


“Traditional Vedanta” means the knowledge is expounded as originally delivered, and how it's supposed to be taught for it to have it's intended effect (moksha).

Common Symbols And Meanings (& How To Use Them)

The ten principal are: Aitareya Bṛhadāraṇyaka (Brihadaranyaka) Chandogya (Chāndogya) Isha (Īṣa) Kena Katha (Kaṭhopaniṣad) Prashna (Praśna) Mandukya (Māṇḍūkya-Upaniṣad) Mundaka (Muṇḍaka) Taittiriya (Taittirīya) There are also around a hundred minor Upanishads like Amṛitabindu, Kaivalya, Śvetāśvatara, and others.

Bhagavad Gita is the essence of the Upanishads that teaches how to realize the highest – while living in the world. It consists of 700 verses across 18 chapters and is part of the Indian epic Mahabharata.

If the Upaniṣads (highest truths) be represented by cows, then Gītā would be the milk of the cows (essence of the truths) extracted by Kṛṣṇa (supreme inner Self; Atman) for the benefit of Arjuna (individual ignorant self believing is apart from the Whole) — who is unsure of the correct path in midst of Kurukṣetra (field of life).

On Transformation And Rebirth

Brahma Sutras (Vedanta Sutras) is the philosophical treatise of Vedanta that systematically lays out the philosophy of the Upanishads. It consists of 555 aphorisms across 4 chapters. It should be studied along with the commentary of Shankaracharya for a deep and comprehensive understanding of Advaita Vedanta (nondualism).

There are many commentaries (prakarana grantha) written by some of the greatest Vedanta philosophers, like Adi Shankara and Swami Vidyaranya. Both contributed to clarifying many verses and principles from Main Texts above.Embrace the power of your intuition and spiritual gifts with the Empowered Wisdom Hour. Hear inspiring stories to ignite the divine wisdom within and learn how to take great care of your spirit. Through audience readings, guided meditations and interviews with friends from all corners of the spiritual wellness field, Intuitive Medium and Teacher Molly MacCartney is dedicated to helping you get clear, make powerful decisions and find inner peace, no matter what you’re dealing with.


Why are you here and what is your purpose? And is there any point to even asking this question in a world that seems to get more confusing by the day?

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