Unlock the Hidden Meaning Behind Knights Templar Symbols Tattoos Youll Be Surprised

Knights Templar Symbols Tattoos

If you’re a fan of the medieval Templar order, you’ll likely be interested in their symbols and emblems. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most commonly known Knights Templar symbols and their meanings. We’ll also provide a brief history of the order and discuss some hypotheses surrounding their origins and role in medieval society. Whether you’re a student of medieval history or just curious about the Templar order, this post is for you. 

The Knights Templar was a Christian military order founded in 1118 by Hugh de Payens and other French nobility. They became one of the most powerful and wealthiest European institutions during the Middle Ages, holding vast lands and wealth.


Originally, the order was created to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem to participate in the Crusades. However, over time they became involved in many other activities – including wars, money lending, maritime trade, and even kidnapping people for ransom! In addition to their military exploits, the Templars also played an important role in developing European architecture (including the Gothic style), finance (through Banking Orders), building (such as fortified buildings), and medicine.

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So, what happened to them? In 1307 King Philip IV of France ordered all members of the order to be arrested and disbanded. Their enormous wealth was confiscated by royal officials – some of which have been used throughout history to fund various causes such as wars or religious initiatives. Today, there is little evidence left that links these famous knights with anything other than historical legend. 

The Templars were a religious order of knights founded during the Middle Ages. Although they originally belonged to the Christian church, they became associated with Freemasonry over time.

Their original purpose was to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem during the Crusades, but their activities extended far beyond that. In 1307, Pope Clement V ordered all Templars in France to dissolve or face execution. Almost all of them complied – only a handful of members escaped exile.

The Hidden World Of The Knights Templar

Since then, speculation about the Templars’ true motives has never stopped. Some believe they were part of a larger conspiracy designed to take control of the world’s wealth; others think their real goal was simply money and power.

The Knights Templar was a religious order of warrior monks that first appeared in the 12th century. They became one of the most powerful and influential organizations in medieval Europe, playing a major role in many historical events. Among their most famous achievements was defending Christian Europe from Muslims during the Crusades.

One of the most recognizable original Knights Templar symbols is the cross and crown laid upon a cross pattée (or saltire). The cross pattée represents Christianity’s two main components: its faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and its belief that through his sacrifice on Calvary, humanity has been saved from sin. The downward-pointing swords represent peace, while the inscription “In Hoc Signo Vinces” (“With this sign, you will conquer”) indicates their intention to fight for God rather than for personal gain.

Knights Templar Symbols & History

The Knights Templar were a group of European religious warriors and merchants who came into prominence in the 12th century. The order was founded after 1184 by Hugh de Payens, who became its first grand master. The order’s original purpose was to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem, but it soon expanded its mission to include defending Christianity and upholding law and justice throughout Europe.

Among the many symbols attributed to the order are the masonic square and compass emblem and the all-seeing eye emblem (also known as Solomon’s Seal). These symbols have been associated with Freemasonry for centuries, though their true meaning remains secrecy.

The Templars’ cross is a unique symbol traced back to the Middle Ages. It’s typically seen as a religious symbol, but has some interesting historical implications.

Knights Templar Cross Shield Symbol Medieval Emblem Secret Order

Unlike the traditional cross seen in churches, the Templar cross has branches of equal size and shape, based rater on the Greek model. But, its arms are much thinner than normal, and its legs are shaped like a “T” – known as a Cross Pattée. This design was likely inspired by Crusader shields made of metal plates that were riveted together to form various shapes.

Although historians are still determining who originated this particular design for the Templars’ cross, it seems plausible that it may have come from Crusaders, who settled in Europe after their successful campaign against Islam in Palestine (known as The First Crusade). Regardless of its origins, this distinctive symbol continues to be associated with Christianity and peace today. 

During the Middle Ages, the Templars were one of Europe’s most powerful religious orders. They played an important role in fighting against Islam and other religions and participated in many bloody battles. The red cross on their uniforms represented their willingness to die as martyrs for Christ and His gospel.

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These days, the red cross remains a potent symbol of sacrifice and courage. It is used by humanitarian organizations worldwide to help people with medical needs or emergencies. 

The Templar motto is a Latin phrase usually translated to “Not for us, My Lord, not for us, but to your Name give the glory.” The slogan was adopted by the Knights Templar during the Middle Ages and has been used in various historical contexts. Usage of the motto generally refers to glorifying God rather than oneself. It is often seen as an example of selfless devotion and courage.


The origins of the motto are unknown, and there is no consensus on its actual meaning. Some believe it reflects the Templars’ belief in worshiping God exclusively through His name rather than through human intermediaries (such as priests). Others think it refers to their refusal to participate in earthly politics or conflict.

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Whatever its true origin may be, the phrase remains an important part of Templar history and mythology. It has been featured in films and books such as The Templeton Project and Legends of Freemasonry: The Hiram Key.

The Knights Templar is now known as the reconstituted Order of Christ and a parallel Supreme Order of Christ of the Holy See. They are both considered successors to the Knights Templar. The original order was founded in 1118 by Hugh de Payens, who wanted to provide military support for pilgrims making their way to Jerusalem on behalf of Jesus. 

Over time, the order grew in power and wealth, becoming one of Europe’s most influential organizations. But in 1307, they were suppressed by King Philip IV during an investigation into their financial dealings. Most members fled overseas or went into hiding, but some were captured and executed. 

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Currently, both orders, successors to the Knights Templar, continue to uphold many of the same values and principles as their predecessors: they strive for social justice, promote education and philanthropy, fight against poverty and disease, protect religious minorities around the world, and more. One thing the armed forces and the Church have in common is a love of symbolism, and of insignia with symbolic importance. This is true today and was ever so, and it was so particularly in the Middle Ages. It would hardly seem surprising, therefore if the Military Orders, who were at once soldiers and monks, should have developed various devises to identify themselves and to express or hint at what they stood for. Such symbols appeared on the Templars' clothing, shields and equipment, on their flags, on their buildings, on their tombs and in their manuscripts. The carvings in various castle dungeons- where the last of the Templars awaited their dark fate- also take the form of symbols and are relevant to the matter of Templar iconography, and to what motivated the mysterious brethren.

There is much confusion and myth associated with the iconography used by the Templars, with some symbols being popularly associated with them that they in fact never used, and some that they did use being generally overlooked. My intention here will be to shed some light on the matter, and to redress some misconceptions.

Pal Ritook, in a 1992 article entitled 'Templar Architecture in England' touched on the matter of symbolism. Ritook wondered if there was any specifically Templar iconography to be found in the decoration of Templar buildings. Ritook highlighted various problems here, particularly with correctly identifying given carvings as Templar, and being of the right date.

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There seem to be a profusion of carved grotesques, 'green man' and animal heads found in Templar churches (often forming corbels or bosses). London's Temple Church has curious animal, human and demon heads spaced around its internal arcade and green-man heads sprouting foliage from their mouths above its original entrance, on the exterior. Another 'green man' head, this one with horns, may be found on the chancel arch of Temple Garway church (see illustration 'S'). Carved heads may also be found at Temple Bruer and Temple Guiting, and on many Templar churches on the continent. However, these are by no means rare on non-Templar buildings of the Romanesque and early Gothic era. Identifying them with particular Templar ideas or with the charges of heretical head worship is therefore difficult.

Ritook, touching on the Templar Cross, found this symbol 'regrettably not peculiar to the

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