A Destiny Tattoo Symbol That Will Change Your Life Discover the Meaning Behind This Powerful Image

Destiny Tattoo Symbol

Tattoos are embalmed on the skin of different parts of the body since time immemorial. In ancient time, people used to make tattoo due to various reasons. The word “tattoo” is derived from the Polynesian word “tatau” which means to “to write”. Some do it to ward off illness while some make specific tattoo as a symbol to represent a particular group or clan. But in modern times tattoos are mostly adorned as a part of fashion trend.

Youngster and college students mostly get it done to follow the fashion trend. There are many symbols of tattoo designs that people make on their skin just in style. But most of them are unaware of the meanings that a tattoo holds. Yes! Every tattoo design has a meaning. And adorning them without knowing the meaning is not a blunder but ignorance. After all, you should know what you are writing on your body as it conveys a message to others. If you are wondering how to know the meaning, then read this article, it will immensely help you. We have clubbed here some of the common tattoo symbols and their meanings. Read on to know more!


Om is Hindu spiritual symbol that represents the Hindu god Shiva. The vibration of Om chanting is so peaceful that is enough to ward off negativity from your life. According to Hindu mythology, Om is the first sound of the universe and it envelopes the entire creation in its sound. Recently, it has been also proved by NASA that Om is the sound that echoes around the universe. Many medical researches have also revealed the positive of Om chanting on a human body.

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Now that you know the meaning of OM and its significance, you can adorn this symbol on your body with pride. And if you are making a tattoo for the first time then it is the best symbol to start with.

Viking symbol is a very common tattoo design. Viking means sailor, traveler and explorer and the so is the meaning of the tattoo. The Viking symbol represents a winner, get goer, and who creates their own destiny. So, if you are an adventure lover and believe in creating your destiny then you can go for this tattoo.

Here is another tattoo design for those who believe in creating their destiny. As the name suggests, Inguz is a Greek symbol which means “where there’s a will there’s a way.” The symbol is very simple yet elegant. It looks like a two cross joined together. If you are looking for a stylish and simple tattoo than you can try this as it is the best design option.

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A butterfly tattoo is a favorite tattoo design of girls. Though it is a girlish tattoo design, it signifies a deeper meaning in reality. A butterfly symbolizes beauty, rebirth, change, and metamorphosis. A butterfly is like any regular insect inside the cocoon, ugly and colorless. But when it flies out from the cocoon as a colorful and beautiful fly, it catches the attention of everyone. So beautiful and feminist, this tattoo is one of the best tattoo design for girls.

The malin symbol is originated in Sweden. It basically resembles an infinity symbol with arrows in the middle. It is a symbol which represents a strong and serious meaning. The meaning of this symbol is that you have to experience setbacks to move ahead in life. So, all you guys who want to give a social message through a tattoo can go for this tattoo design.

The glyph is another Greek symbol that looks like a triangle with a line crossing around the upper part of the triangle. It is a set of fundamental symbols in Greek. Though the shape of the tattoo is very small, the meaning and impact are very powerful. The meaning of glyph is “to explore” and signifies that life is a journey and you must explore it to the fullest.

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So if you also believe in the same notion for life then adorn it on your body and show off your mantra for life. I am sure, you will make a strong style statement.

The Zen circle or Enso as it is popularly known as is an ancient tattoo design. It is Japanese word which is associated with the Zen concept. It means “circle”. Though it is a symbol and not a character, it is widely used the subject of Japanese calligraphy.

Today, it is one of the popular tattoo symbols. It basically represents circle which is incomplete. The circle looks composed, elegant and classy. The Zen circle symbolizes the universe. As a tattoo, it shows off inner strength and enlightenment. If you want to boast your spiritual side then you can go for this tattoo design.


I Have A Tattoo Of The Astronomical Symbol For Uranus To Represent Breakthroughs And To Always Motivate Myself To Make A Positive Change In The World!

The very sight of the moon is so peaceful and enlightening. And the different phases of moon represent the constantly changing life of all human being on the Earth. It reminds us of the circle of life and birth and the karma that influence our life. It also signifies that change is inevitable and nothing is constant, good or bad days, as they come they are ought to go. The only thing that is constant is the karma that decides your rest of the life and next life as well.

This tattoo design provides a traditional as well as modern look. The phases of the moon in a “U” shape just look elegant and attractive.

Whether you believe in astrology or not, you can go for zodiac sign tattoo as it looks super stylish. All the symbols of the zodiac signs are so unique and attractive that it makes you look chic and classy.

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You can opt of any zodiac symbols are the one you belongs to. Actually, making a tattoo of your zodiac sign makes sense as it tells a lot about your personality and behavior. People who believe in astrology could easily relate you to the tattoo.

Sun, as we all know is the lifeline of the planet Earth. It sustains life on Earth and thus symbolizes a very strong meaning. The symbol of the sun represents life, rebirth, and fertility. It is also an emblem of power, new start, and perseverance.


If you are going through a bad phase in life and seeking the so called good change, you can adorn the sun symbol as a tattoo to move ahead on a positive note in life. Adorn a sun symbol on your body to witness the witness the positive vibes in your daily life.

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The feather tattoo looks as stylish as any other tattoo symbols. Though at a glimpse, it symbolizes a bird, it has further deeper meaning than just a bird. It has a contradictory meaning in reality. The symbol of feather represents both death or loss and luck and birth. It depends on the individual how they take it.

And feather of different birds also signifies different meanings. So, you must know the meaning of the feature symbol before you make a tattoo of it.

The flower rose is associated with love, fragrance, color, beauty, and essence so is the rose tattoo. Different color of the rose flower represents different meaning, white for peace, red for love and black for loss or death.

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Rose is a lovely tattoo design loved by most of you out there. The power of the rose symbol is so strong that it has pinched everyone’s life. So, whichever color tattoo you are going for, color or black, you must consider its meaning before engraving it on your body.


The bird is a vibrant creature which symbolizes freedom, hope, and peace. Boasting a bird tattoo says a lot about you. It tells that you like to lead a carefree life any birds and sky is not the limit for your freedom.

The best part of bird tattoo is that you have a plenty of design options like a single bird, a pair of love bird and a cluster of birds. Whichever tattoo you make, ensure that you carry it with confidence and style.

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After bird, another tattoo symbol that signifies freedom is the wing. It is the fashionable and chic tattoo symbol that you can adorn to show off your way of living life which is carefree, boundless and open. It also signifies angels according to many religious texts.

The wing tattoo has different shapes, sizes and look. The designs come in a small wing, large wing, and pair wings. So, be bold and engraved this tattoo to make a style statement. You will witness many envious eyes for sure.

Dream catcher carries a mystical quality to catch good dreams and repels bad dreams. Therefore, lots of people use dream catcher to ward off negative dreams during their good night sleep. It is said that having dream catchers as tattoo also chase away negativity and bad dreams. It also believed that bad luck and evil spirits are also staying away if you have a dream catcher near you. And instead brings good luck, success, and happiness into life.


Scary, Venomous, Cute

So, if you are suffering from any of the problems like bad dreams, evil

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