7 EasyToDraw Small Tattoo Ideas That Will Make You Want To Get Inked

Small Tattoo Ideas Easy To Draw

That is why I wanted to create a blog post dedicated to simple, meaningful tattoo ideas for anyone searching for the right tattoo design for them.

The tattoos included below in this blog post can only be used for personal use tattoos. Commercial use of any kind is not allowed.


Disclaimer: I am not a tattoo expert. I am just a drawing enthusiast. Please discuss with your tattoo artist in order to get your desired tattoo outcome.

Best Memorial Tattoo Ideas

Here’s a simple tattoo of a sunrise (or sunset). To me, sunrises are a reminder of a new start. A new day.

The freedom to fly where you want to go and to express your heart without worrying about whether it is good enough or not.

Getting a tattoo of a shooting star (to me) is a reminder that we are free to wish whenever we like, and to also bring you good luck so that your wishes come true at the right time for you.

Ambigram Tattoo Designs That Will Make You Flip

I remember I’d sometimes get dreams of being in a maze with hundreds of doors and me getting lost trying to find which door to open.

What is meant for you will meet you halfway to find you and that the unknown things on the other side will come together to show you that it was all meant to be 🙂

I find that just random affirmations said aloud to yourself from time to time brings huge changes to one’s life. I hope you try it out for yourself as well!

The Best Lesbian Tattoo Ideas

This is a tattoo for anyone who has been hurt before. I hope that the hurt heals with time and that good and beautiful things will enter your life in place of the hurt.

I also think it’s a great idea to have a loved one write a word synonymous with them and get that tattooed in their own handwriting.

It can also serve as a reminder to take things one step at a time. To not rush forward, but to instead savor each step you take in life.

Meaningful Tattoos Parents Got To Honor Their Kids

This is a tattoo for anyone who has been closing up their true self or feelings inside themselves. I hope that this drawing inspires you to open up and let things out from time to time 🙂

There are many dualities in life – We may think of them as separate, but the beauty of each one can only be fully felt because the other one exists.

This is just a fun little tattoo I made to play with the idea of reaching out to someone’s heart (or it can be your own too)

Dainty Wrist Tattoos If You Want A Subtle, Minimalist Ink

Butterflies symbolize transformation and change. You can use this tattoo to symbolize your own heart and the transformations you have gone through in life.

At the end of the day, no matter where in the world we are or who we are with, we will always be with ourselves and we are our own home.

Sometimes I get into an anxious state because I’m stressing over every little thing and I have to remind myself to take a step back and see things from a bigger perspective.


Meaningful Tattoos That'll Remind You To Never Give Up & Keep Moving Forward In Life

Whether we go with the flow or decide to swim upstream, it doesn’t really matter because we can swim however way we want. The universe is our home and the stars are our guides to help us along the way.

I hope that this tattoo reminds you that no matter who you are to become in the future, we all start off as little seedlings growing at our own pace.

There are times we get hurt or the heart just feels like crying. We become the person we are because we have been through these periods in life.

Adorable Tattoo Designs For Kids In 2023

The crown tattoo is a reminder that you are a “king” or “queen”. A “prince” or “princess”. You are beautiful, strong, precious, regal… anything you want to be – believe it!

Lions often symbolize courage and strength. I hope that this tattoo idea reminds you of your own strength and that you can overcome more than you can imagine.

Huge oak trees start out first as tiny little acorns. Oak trees represent wisdom, strength, and endurance, but they all have their roots as cute little acorns at the beginning.

Simple And Small Tattoo Ideas For Women

Music means a lot to many people so here is a simple musical note tattoo idea for all the music lovers out there.

Here are some wave tattoo ideas for all you ocean lovers out there. Waves can also symbolize the ebb and flow of life.


Here is a tattoo idea for anyone who needs a reminder to let go. To not hold onto things too tightly, to have some faith, let go and have fun.

Cool Small Tattoo Ideas For Men

I hope this fun little tattoo helps to remind you to be a little more confident in yourself because you are amazing just the way you are.

I hope you enjoyed this little collection of tattoo ideas and was able to find some bit of inspiration for your own tattoo.

Please share in the comment section if you liked a certain tattoo idea or tag me on Instagram if you got it (@). I’m not too active on Instagram but I’d love to see on occasion!

Essential Tattoo Styles You Need To Know

I appreciate you for stopping by this blog post and I hope you have a wonderful day or night, wherever you may be 🙂

I'm an artist and blogger. I'm shy and quiet, and I need to connect with others. This is how I find fulfillment for my life's journey and I hope to inspire an infinite amount of people in their own self discoveries.

This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.comWhat can be better than getting a tattoo that expresses their nature without much effort and pain? Small-sized tattoos! Tiny tattoos have become extremely popular with the younger generation, particularly celebrities, who get their visible body parts inked with small tattoo designs! Small tattoos have many designs to choose from, from elements of nature to the initials of your loved ones. We have compiled the best small tattoo ideas in this article, which might be low on size but high on style!

Tattoo Ideas For Parents

Small tattoos are perfect alternatives for people who love the idea of body art but do not want to overdo it. The advantage of smaller-sized tattoos is that they don’t cost you a lot of money, effort, and pain, but the removal process is also easy. Also, small tattoos can be seamlessly converted into a whole new image if you want to reconsider your decision. Common tattoo motifs are flowers, leaves, rainbows, names, initials, stars, and other religious symbols. Small tattoos are one of the most elegant ways of speaking your heart without having to paint a loud picture! Read on to explore some of the cute small tattoo designs with meanings.


Stars are the most common objects used in small tattoo designs. Sometimes people get three stars, as in Orion’s belt or a single black star. Star tattoos look best on your shoulder blade, wrist, ankle, or back. You can either get a black outline or a black-coloured star.

Arrow tattoos are chosen not just by archers but by other commoners too. Arrows like stars make for awesome tattoos and are thus opted for by many. Sometimes small heart tattoos are added to give it the typical cupid look. You can add a bow to it to complete the entire look. You can make the arrow look archaic by adding carvings and other details or keep it simple and plain.

Small & Simple Butterfly Tattoo Ideas

A small cross tattoo is another typical tattoo, for there is no dearth of religious fanatics. Some people feel that having a cross tattooed on the skin is excellent protection. Others take it as proof of their devotion to Christ. There are yet others who think it gives them a more elegant yet rebellious look.

For music lovers out there, this is the perfect design. Most rock stars go for more colourful and vibrant tattoos that are large enough to cover their bodies. But these tattoo designs are perfect for shy and yet adamant about expressing their love for music. A small music notation inside your wrist looks dainty and graceful.

Heart tattoos are also very commonplace. They are mostly opted for by girls and may or may not be coloured. They are no doubt feminine and pretty to look at. This kind of tattoo is mainly carried out by girls who love to be inked but with cute delicate tattoo that is not big. This small wrist tattoo can also be carried on the neck, shoulders and leg. The heart can be drawn with black ink or can be made coloured with different colours. The heart here symbolizes love.

Watercolor Tattoo Ideas For Your Next Work Of Body Art — See Photos

This design is elegant and beautiful. An image of birds in flight, no matter how small, always have a sense of liberation that makes your heart soar and says, ‘now that’s a pretty image!’. Blackbird silhouettes, whether they are inked upon your wrist or ankle, always manage to look good.

Small anchors upon your wrist look excellent.

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