5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Rip Hand Tattoo Now

Rip Hand Tattoos

About 100 people each year in the U.S. drown because of rip currents, and about 80 percent of swimmers who must be rescued in the ocean are caught in them, according to the United States Lifesaving Association, a nonprofit lifeguard group.

A rip current is a channel of water that flows out into the ocean from shore. The motion and waves of the ocean are constantly changing the sand on the bottom. Water going back out to sea takes the shortest path and sometimes all that water flows into a narrow area, like a depression between two sand bars, creating a rip current that can pull swimmers away from shore. Rip currents can by anywhere from about the length of a car to over half a football field, said Monty Reed, lifeguard coordinator for North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


It is not an undertow. A rip current will pull swimmers out to sea, but won't pull them under, Reed said. The currents are temporary and follow the dips and rises of the ocean floor instead of a constant flow. That's why the term rip tide is a misnomer, because tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon.

Types Of Rips — Rip Current Safety

If you have a boogie board or other flotation device, hold on, Reed said. The current won't pull you under. People drown from fear and panic. They don't know what to do. They will dump their boogie boards and go under, Reed said. Instead, ride it out. The water will eventually stop pulling out. Or, swim parallel to shore to get out of the rip current. But don't swim against it. Some rip currents flow at 8 feet per second, which is faster than Olympic swimmers.

The churning waves from tropical weather will create new sandbars and depressions, causing rip currents to pop up suddenly, Reed said. During these times, lifeguards brace for busy days, especially when there's nice weather.

Reed said it is always best to swim near a lifeguard stand. Also, talk to lifeguards, who can tell you how bad conditions are before you get in the water. And listen to their advice. During conditions where rip currents are likely, Reed tells swimmers not to get in above their knees or waist.Did you know that the RIP software you use is just as important as having a good printer? The printer is only doing what it is told by the software itself. Things like print quality, color match, color vibrancy and white base generation are all controlled by the RIP. There are some major factors to look at when you are shopping for a printer or just the printer software. Even when some companies use the same RIP software, there can be major differences in how the software is programmed to work.

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One of the main jobs for the RIP software is to create a white ink under-base for printing on dark garments. You need to have a white under-base to help the colors in the print pop. A basic RIP is going to just copy the image in a solid white. Sure, this works, but also creates colors to be wrong and a pricey amount of ink is used. A good RIP will look at the image and tone down the amount of white used for darker colors. Actually, every color in the image should have just the right amount of white behind it.  For example, dark brown will need just a small amount of white behind it. If the software is putting a solid white behind dark colors, they are going to be off, especially black. When you have a RIP that has good control over the white ink base it can also save you a lot of money over time.

The process of color profiling is a vital factor in how your color looks and matches. When you print on a sheet of paper and then on a shirt, it is not going to look the same. A shirt is going to need more ink, but how much before that color is too light or dark? The Color Profiling process is essentially test printing color charts onto t-shirts until they match. However, this process may require hours and hours of fine tuning. The more time and intricacy spent will provide the best color output. So your printed colors are going to be dependent on how much color profiling has been done. This process should be done with any RIP software, it just depends how far they go.

When it comes to settings used in the RIP software to print a shirt, there are many. Ideally, most of these settings should be set to a helpful default that gives you a great print every time. If you need to do more than import your image, size and place it then you could be wasting a lot of time. Some RIP programs may require the need to test print and then dial it in, which is not cost effective. Printing should be easy and your colors should look right first time, which is the case with a good RIP software.

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A good RIP software will have an ink cost calculator as standard. This is vital to understanding the actual cost of each print. Not having a good RIP software is going to make it next to impossible to know your ink costs. It is also important that you have the ability to make changes to how much you pay per liter. A fixed ink cost calculator could be incorrect as ink prices fluctuate. You should also be able the run the software without having to actually print the image to get the ink cost. Having a feature like this will help you price out jobs properly and provide to the penny quotes.


When you print on a black shirt it saves a lot to not print black ink and let the shirt fill in the color. This is a beneficial feature to have, but only recently has this concept grown. Being able to tell the RIP what color the shirt is for most colors and not print the same color is very new. Having the ability to do this is going to bring print costs down 20-30% on most of your prints. So if your shirt is red, the RIP will allow the red of the shirt to create that color in the print instead and not use ink.

Making sure these features are included in the RIP software you select will be very important and will enable you to get the best print possible, while accurately calculating costs. For OmniPrint International, all of these features above come standard with any purchase of a FreeJet printer. That could be why OmniPrint has won SGIA product of the year for best print 2 years running.On the eve of my 30th birthday, I was living the good life on the beach in Southern California.  My wife surprised me by inviting a close group of my friends out West to commemorate the big occasion.  It was glorious!

Ride The Rip

After a spirited night of celebrating,   a handful of us relaxed on the beach the next morning.  Eventually, we waded out into the water just beyond the first break of the waves.

The ocean was calm that day and we were reminiscing about the night and lost track of our surroundings.  Suddenly, I looked up and noticed that the waves were breaking right on the shore.  That was strange.


After a few seconds, I realized the waves hadn’t moved.  We had been carried thousands of yards out to sea!  It all happened so fast.  We never felt any pull from the ocean.

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Our group did not panic.  We remembered to swim parallel to the shore.  But after a long struggle, it seemed we weren’t making much progress.  Frustration set in.

“I know you guys couldn’t feel it, but I saw it right away.  One of the worst riptides we’ve had on this beach.  I sent our boat for you immediately!”

We were drifting.  We knew something had changed but we didn’t realize it in the moment.  We kept our heads and didn’t panic.  We accepted help when we realized we couldn’t do it alone.  We benefited from a different perspective.


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We are all impacted by drift.  We start a job with the best intentions.  At some point, we lose focus.  Perhaps we are not as rigorous in our prospecting.  Perhaps we stop monitoring the competition.  Perhaps we no longer invest in training or learning new skills.

Before we know it, our market share has eroded.  Our skills have diminished.  We have lost our purpose and lost our way.  We have drifted off course without realizing it!

Our compensation plan shrinks but we think it will help the stock price.  Our responsibilities retract but we assume it is happening to everyone.  Leadership exits the company but we stay focused on our small patch of business.

Ways To Survive A Rip Tide

We can’t ignore the obvious.  If something doesn’t feel right, there is likely an underlying issue.  Ignoring it, puts us in danger of drifting even further off course. 


No one panicked when we finally realized the rip tide had taken us out to

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