7 Reasons Why You Should Get an Angel Wing Tattoo You Will Be Amazed

Angel Wing Tattoo

The world is evolving faster than ever with technology pervading into each aspect of life. And in an increasingly open-knowledge society with favourable access to capital, it is the new-age lean companies which are likely to shape and have a far greater impact on the business & economic landscape than traditional businesses.

Pointing to the same, internationally is a study as per which the average tenure of companies on the S&P 500 was 33 years in 1964 which had reduced to 24 years in 2016. It has been forecasted to shrink to just 12 years by 2027, with PE/VC investments and growth of billion-dollar valuation startups leading the change.


Thus, in such a dynamic world, it is imperative that one must be open to new ideas and investment vehicles if wealth-generation is the goal! With easier rules and a liberalising regulatory regime, investing in unlisted companies i.e. early-stage ventures is a very useful avenue for wealth-generation.

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In fact, if done well, it has the potential to make outsized returns which far exceed the returns on other types of investments.

The traditional investment products promise a safe and steady return. But these are seldom enough to beat inflation over a long-term, leave alone enable wealth generation. Below is a comparative illustration of some of the most popular financial options in the last 4-5 years.

– India’s real GDP growth rate has been ~7% each year during the past 4-5 years. However, this isn’t reflected in property prices rise or business revenue & profit growth (and hence below-nominal GDP share price returns). Is it that a sizable chunk of the GDP activity is now taking place amongst unlisted companies, i.e. the new-age startups?

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Comparably, angel investing in startups as an asset class will be a good diversification of portfolio and will have the potential of giving superior returns. In these investments, you are much more in control of your investment as compared to other asset classes. You can also grow it further by investing your time and mentoring to grow the

Contrary to the Public markets, where IPOs have dried up in the past two years, the startup funding scenario continues to blossom in India. In fact, apart from a dip in 2016, funding has increased each year from the previous one this decade. Even in 2019, in the third quarter startups are estimated to have raised a total of $2.55 Bn, almost 25% more than the $2 Bn and $2.13 Bn raised in the preceding two quarters.

The acquisition of Flipkart by Walmart last year was the 1st mega exit for angel and early-stage investors that provided a validation of the funding and market potential in India. In a continuing sign of maturity of the ecosystem, there are continuously greater sums of money being raised in later rounds by established startups.

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Angel investing is a wonderful way to add a high-risk, high-return asset class to one’s portfolio, and is absolutely critical to progress towards wealth generation in the longer run. It’s not just the super-rich who have the opportunity to invest in startup businesses, but it is now easier than ever for working professionals or employees of private-sector organizations to be able to evaluate and invest in startups in a transparent and convenient manner.

With angel investment networks abound in the country, the costs involved in investing are getting lowered drastically. Not only do most angel investment groups handle the entire legal documentation and coordination with invested startups, but the minimum ticket size is also fairly low as the overall investment is effectively money pooled from multiple sources.

In the 80’s and 90’s the most value creation in the US happened for those investors in the Public market, who bought stocks in tech giants like Amazon and Microsoft after they IPO’ed. Now, however, the private equity space is more robust and fruitful for businesses.


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Most of the value creation has shifted to early-stage private company investors. In fact, if one were to wait until a startup went public to invest, they could be missing out on 95% of the gains, which are often accrued by investors before the IPO.

Similarly, the behemoths of the Indian startup ecosystem (Flipkart, Paytm, Ola etc.) have given manifold returns to its early-stage investors. And most of these leading Indian startups, the new-age technology-fueled corporates are yet to even enter the public markets. But this does not mean the best time has passed. In fact, it’s only starting, and for a young country like India, the best years are certainly ahead of it.

There is a great scale of technology with the prevalence of high-speed internet/devices and mobile penetration as compared to the heydays of the startup ecosystem in India a decade ago. Not only the access for investing in startups was limited earlier, but the startups themselves were growth constrained because of regulatory challenges, lack of infrastructure, acceptance of business models and access to capital. Whereas now, the startup ecosystem is getting bolstered with each passing day.

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In this first decade, entrepreneurs of India have tasted blood (read ‘success’). With our young population and multitude of existing challenges (read ‘opportunities’) in the country, the path is set for the startup story to grow manifold in years ahead

As the saying goes, “there’s no better time than now to start investing and ride this growth story.” Stay Relevant To Latest Technologies And Be Part Of A Strong Network


Technologies and Startups go hand-in-hand when it comes to incorporating the latest advancements in the current market. Relevance is another factor that adds more gravitas to the service/product being developed by startups in almost every sector.

Reasons You May Need An Angel Intervention

Furthermore, the use of the latest technological developments leads to cost-effective benefit for the business.  As compared to the large service providers, startups are more flexible in implementing appropriate new technologies that meet the business requirements.

Another important aspect of working closely with startups is that you understand the present-day challenges being faced by businesses and also learn the art of setting it up from scratch. This also sets the foundation for your upcoming business ideas.

Association with Angel networks also helps you to develop long-lasting relationships with like-minded individuals, which can be super helpful for your own professional and personal growth.

Biblical) Reasons Why Angels Of God Are Sent To Earth

By 2020, India will be the third-largest base to startups after the US and the UK, with more than 11, 000 startups in the country. Through both words and actions, the top-most echelons of the government have lauded and promoted entrepreneurship. And the Prime Minister of the nation, Shri Narendra Modi has repeatedly extolled its virtues, “I see startups, technology and innovation as exciting and effective instruments for India’s transformation”. However, our startup ecosystem needs a lot of development to increase the success probability of startups.


By supporting new entrepreneurs you can play a major part in shaping leaders of tomorrow through your experience, mentorship and guidance. This will help the economy in which more jobs will be created, and hence you will contribute to nation-building in your own way.

Most seasoned angel investors confess that investing in a startup and riding its journey teaches much more than learning one gets in their regular job. If you have the risk appetite, don’t miss out on this asset class for the sake of convenience with an old investment instrument.  To quote Robert G. Allen (Author of ‘The One Minute Millionaire’),

A Guide To Angel Numbers & What They Actually Mean

“Thriving investors don’t play it safe. How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts?” The Onus is now on you to act!

Join our exclusive community of business leaders &makers for in-depth tech stories and intelligence on India’s tech economy you won’t find elsewhere.7 Ways to be an Angel to Someone –  In the Bible, angels are characterized as messengers of God. Through the years, many people have come to believe that these supernatural beings could also be guardian angels. Others believe that an angel is a supernatural being that helps someone in a time of need. An angel doesn’t always have to be supernatural, however. Sometimes humans are considered angels.

Do know someone who is elderly, widowed, or disabled that needs help with simple chores? Maybe they can’t mow their yard or take out the garbage. Maybe they need help with snow removal in the winter. No matter what chore they need help with, they will be grateful if you could be an angel and lend a helping hand.


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It’s exhausting having small children in the home. There are many sleepless nights and it seems the house never stays clean. If a parent is home with them all day, they deserve a much-needed break. Why not be an angel and give that parent the break they need. Even if it’s just a couple of hours a week, it will be greatly appreciated. If you can’t look after the children, offer to help clean, do laundry, or prepare meals.

Between work, family, hobbies, and keeping up on social media, it seems everyone is busy these days. With so much taking up your time, you might have neglected some of your loved ones. There is probably an elderly neighbor or aging parents

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