7 Stunning Tatuajes Antebrazo Designs That Will Make You Want to Get Inked

Tatuajes Antebrazo

The history of tattoos dates back thousands of years. They have served as markers for both good and bad. They’ve been a record of history, been used to mark prisoners and slaves, express self-identity, and reclaim control over one’s own body. Researchers believe ancient Egyptian women used tattoos as a way of safeguarding their unborn children during pregnancy and birth. Today, 36% of Americans over the age of 18 have at least one tattoo . Today, they are a common choice after the loss of a loved one or major life trauma like a miscarriage.

After experiencing a miscarriage, we can find ourselves searching for answers, comfort, companionship, and support. Even though every four or five pregnancies end in miscarriage , that does not lessen its significance or meaning of the life you were carrying. While there are many ways to honor a loss, including planting a tree or creating a personalized piece of jewelry, many turn to something a little more intimate and permanent like a Miscarriage Tattoo.


Partially because of its artistic beauty, symbolism, and public display, a miscarriage tattoo can be an incredibly meaningful and beautiful way to remember and commemorate an angel’s life. On top of honoring the life of your baby up above, having others see and ask about the meaning of your miscarriage tattoo is also a great way to connect with others who may have similarly suffered a loss and raise awareness of an important and often under spoken topic. Let’s get started with some beautiful examples of miscarriage tattoos.

Dainty And Feminine Tattoos

There are indeed countless miscarriage tattoos that are beautiful in meaning and illustration. Here, we’ve compiled a few of our favorites along with some words of the mothers sporting them to give you some inspiration and support in your own journey.

If you asked Trisha what helped her heal from her miscarriages, she would say that one of the things that helped the most was getting her tattoo. Her tattoo beautifully commemorates and honors her whole family, her sons living beside her, her husband, and her angels up above. But let’s just here about her tattoo from her own words:

A lotus flower represents “Trusting in the light. Growing through the dirt and believing in new beginnings.” It’s small, simple, but with HUGE meaning. I love the permanent reminder I have every time I look at my ankle. I went through so much “mud and pain” in my life. But I know in my heart that because of those hard times, I am stronger. It has taught me to be a better person. It has shown me that even in my hardest of days, I can choose to continue to grow in ALL areas of my life and myself. I can always strive to do better. To love harder. To open my heart and be more compassionate. The struggles of losing so many babies have somehow bloomed me into a beautiful lotus.

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“Tattoos are cathartic for me, and I definitely recognized the pain from this one as helping me heal and keep moving forward as we look for our rainbow after the storm. Super blessed Jake was with me and got the same tattoo so we could support each other. We have worked hard to grow together and stay close in our marriage while we grieve. Being intentional about this has been our saving grace and sometimes a challenge. Nothing about this loss has been easy for us as individuals or as a couple. The best advice we were given was to support each other in the individual ways we grieve and be open about what we need. This is so helpful and so difficult, but worth it.

One other thing is that surely anyone who has suffered this kind of loss feels they deserved it on some level. Or that they don’t deserve to be a parent or experience pregnancy. A good friend reminded me recently that I would never say that to anyone else on a TTC journey, so why do I feel it’s okay to say that to and about myself? I’m making an active choice to be kind to my body instead of hating it or resenting it. It’s capable of amazing things.”


“I lost my daughter in August of 2019 after a 14-week miscarriage. This loss rocked my world because it came alongside a potential cancer diagnosis. I had never even heard of a partial molar pregnancy until it happened to me. It essentially means that my daughter started developing normally, but she carried an extra copy of every chromosome, which causes tumors to grow all over their body, eventually cutting off their oxygen supply. These tumors, if left inside your body, can metastasize and turn into cancer. If the D&C left even one cell behind, I was looking at a potential hysterectomy or months of chemotherapy and radiation.

Ideas Of Forearm Tattoos

I only had one child, my 18-month son, whom I so desperately wanted to give a sibling to. I wasn’t done having children, so being left with these choices was nothing shy of a nightmare.

Thankfully, the D&C was successful, and I was cleared to start trying for another baby almost six months later, but I was left with this huge hole in my heart. I HAD a daughter. She existed. She was real. I have pictures of her. I heard her heartbeat just three days before she was gone. But when I was out in public, people only saw my son and me. People would ask if I wanted more children, which stung more than I can explain because I would have given anything to have her there too. So I thought a tattoo was a perfect idea to honor her life.


I get so many compliments on it, and it’s always an opportunity to share her life with the world. My tattoo artist Nicco gave me something I will treasure for the rest of my life. It was a full moon the day we found out she had passed away, so I knew Luna was the perfect name for her. She became a part of nature, but I get to keep her with me always.”

Amazing Infinity Symbol Tattoos Designs With Meanings, Ideas, And Celebrities

Even when I’m not consciously thinking about my lost babies and due dates, my body and mind never seem forget. Something feels off. ⁣ I’m more sensitive. ⁣ More anxious. ⁣More impatient. ⁣Not quite myself. ⁣Every time the anniversary of a due date or miscarriage passes it’s hard not to think about what could have been. ⁣After Baby 3 I decided to memorialize my babies on my body forever. ⁣It’s become one of my favorite parts of my body. ⁣ A daily reminder of the babies that were a part of me, lived inside of me, and grew in my womb, even if only for a short time. ⁣ Each part of my tattoo is full of meaning. The elephant has numerous meanings which I won’t get into right now. ⁣The hearts were drawn by Dan, because these babies are a part of him too. ⁣ They are ascending to heaven with the elephant looking longingly at them, wondering what could have been. ⁣ The solid hearts represent each of my lost babies. And while they may not be in order, I know exactly which heart is for which baby. ⁣ The open heart reminds me to have hope. To keep going despite the struggle. To put one foot in front of the other and move forward, but not move on.”

“January 5, 2020 — a date that before last year had no special meaning. But now I will always remember it as the day we were supposed to be welcoming our sweet baby into the world. At 10 weeks pregnant, we heard the words — “your baby doesn’t have a heart beat.” The pain is something I still can’t put into words & I don’t want to try. Miscarriage may seem common but it does not mean it isn’t incredibly painful.


There are times when God allows loss and allows pain. And that’s honestly pretty hard to accept. But God is good and we are strong. We may not always know His plan or timing but we do know it is far greater than we can imagine.

Awesome Arm Tattoo Designs For Women 2023

I share this now not for sympathy but because it is a huge part of my story, my growth, and my life. And although it’s not my favorite part, it is one of the most important ones because it broke me, rebuilt me, shaped me, and continues to teach me.

And even though being in this “club” isn’t something anyone wants, it’s a community nonetheless. God has sent me incredible support during this journey and I hope to be that source of encouragement & love for any other mamas out there who need it.”


“My first baby died in the first trimester at the size of a sweet pea so that’s where we got the symbolism. We call that baby our sweet pea.”

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Suffering a miscarriage is tough no matter what, but it can be even more devastating as a young person

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