You Wont Believe the 10 Most Ridiculous Dumb Tattoos People Actually Got

Dumb Tattoos

One of the greatest things about learning languages is to discover words which exist in one language but don’t have any equivalent in your own—or any other for that matter. 

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But not just any hurry— a “helter-skelter” is a very chaotic and messy kind of hurry. The kind where you’re probably confused and clumsy.

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Not only does this refer to someone that is willing to go to the bathroom outside, but is also often used in a derogatory way to call a man weak.

Have you ever listened to a song on the radio while driving to work only to find yourself still humming the same tune by lunch time? Congratulations, you’ve had an ear worm.

The beautiful German word Ohrwurm describes the fact of having a song stuck in your head as if it wriggled itself into your brain through your ear.

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When a relationship ends or during other times of sadness, anger, or worry, it’s common to put on a few pounds of Kummerspeck.

This is the excess weight put on by emotional overeating. So when you find yourself on the couch watching rom-coms with a tub of ice cream, you are in fact feeding your grief bacon.

Can’t get up in the morning to be on time for work? Too lazy to go to the gym? Homework remains undone until the last minute?

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Don’t worry, the blame lies with your inner pig dog. That’s the tiny voice in the back of your head which is trying to convince you to live the slow life and ignore any responsibilities.

As people get older, some find themselves worrying about roads not taken or milestones they meant to achieve by a certain age but haven’t. 

It’s mostly used for those who sense their biological clock is running out and feel the need to settle with a partner or have children immediately.

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No,  Weichei isn’t what you order in the hotel when you want a three-minute egg for breakfast. In fact the waiter might look at you slightly disconcerted for accusing him of being a wuss.

A soft egg, in German, means someone who is weak and cowardly. The same is also conveyed by calling someone Würstchen,  the diminutive of sausage. 

It’s what you find yourself in when put on the spot without a sufficient explanation or excuse for something you have done or failed to do. It’s often used when a public figure is going through a PR crisis. 

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As much as it sounds like it,  Sitzfleisch isn’t a recipe of German Hausfrauen that involves tenderizing meat by placing it under your buttocks. Instead, it describes a character trait.

It is the German equivalent of tongue twister,  a phrase that’s very hard to pronounce even for native speakers due to its sequence of letters.

A very common one in German is Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid (red cabbage remains red cabbage and a wedding dress remains a wedding dress).


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These kinds of derogatory terms were something of a meme some years back and whole lists of them exist on the internet.

Alternatives include Warmduscher (someone who showers with warm water),  Sitzpinkler (a man who urinates while sitting down), or Turnbeutelvergesser (someone who used to forget their gym bag in cardio class).

Have you ever noticed how when you have a chance encounter with an attractive person or get into an argument with someone, the best jokes, lines, and comebacks always occur to you afterwards?

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That’s the so-called Treppenwitz. It’s the joke that comes to your mind on the way down the stairs after talking to your neighbor in the hallway two floors up.    

This word literally means being tired of life and was used to describe the dramatic and soul-crushing emotional agony of young Romantic poets.

This sounds like it would make a great name for a pizza. What it actually describes is a person who is vertically challenged, implying they’re only as tall as three wheels of cheese placed on top of each other.

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For example, with a program like you can watch authentic German videos or create personalized flashcards to study new words and phrases with. 

Other ways to easily immerse yourself can be through watching TV shows or movies in German. Having a storyline to follow can make a word much easier to understand. 


Nick is a writer/blogger, entrepreneur and polyglot from Germany. After German, English and Mandarin Chinese, he is currently working on Turkish as his fourth language. He likes to write about WordPress, learning, productivity, fitness and other lifestyle topics. You can get in touch with him through his website. When not working on web projects, he likes to travel foreign countries and write about himself in the third person.Comic books have been an incredible way for people to have fun for about a century. With so many characters and storylines already behind us, it’s hard to stay innovative and create something new that really holds up to the standard of pure awesomeness, like Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, Daredevil, and whatnot.

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Hence, writers really tend to make blunders sometimes, be it with heroes or the villains they fight. Some of the entries on this list will utterly shock you, and you won’t even believe that somebody ever thought that the introduction of said character would be a good idea. Granted, some of these characters were meant to be ridiculous jokes, but still.

I didn’t have the room on the list to include him, but I just couldn’t remove Trapster from the list, as he’s just plain ridiculous. His original supervillain name was Paste-Pot Pete (yes, you read that right), and his only ‘superpower’ was using a big glue gun to literally glue people to other stuff or other people.

Like, if your grandma is into DIY, she could literally be the Trapster. Of course, the guy is always easily defeated by anyone. He changed his name because Spider-Man just couldn’t stop laughing at him when they encountered each other. Can you even believe that this list gets more ridiculous from this point on?

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The Red Bee is quite an old, obscure, forgotten character – but oh, I didn’t forget. Rick Raleigh first appeared in Hit Comics #1 in 1940, which was still a part of Quality Comics. However, the character was later sold to DC Comics.

First of all, his appearance is just absolutely ridiculous. He wears a red turtleneck with pink, wide see-through sleeves, red-and-yellow striped tights, and blue, knee-high boots. I mean, you really have to try to write and draw a dumber appearance. But that’s not the best part. Oh, no.

The name Red Bee comes from his appearance, but also his only ‘superpower’ – he has a small, trained bumblebee that he just randomly throws at people. So, anyone with a fly swatter could rid the Red Bee of his ‘powers.’ Ridiculous.

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Color Kid is an alien boy from the planet Lupra who was working in a science lab and was then hit with a rainbow beam of light that emanated from a different dimension. It gave the boy superpowers, which resulted in the name Color Kid. The problem is, however, that the superpowers he has are just super lame.


Whatever Color Kid touches can change color instantly into the desired color. I mean, I can see how that could be useful if he were working as a room painter or at a car salon, but come on. What kind of a superpower is that?

He’d be higher on this list had it not been the time when that stupid superpower actually saved Superboy and Supergirl. They were passing through a Kryptonite cloud that could essentially kill them, but Color Kid touched it, and as it changed color, it also changed properties and didn’t harm the duo.

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This guy is just utterly disgusting. He’s a poor man’s Wilson Fisk – a morbidly obese crime lord. The only difference is he’s not strong or smart like the Kingpin – he can literally barely move from all the fat and usually hides behind his henchmen.

The Slug’s only power is the crime he does, and oh, one time, he literally choked a guy by putting him under his flappy fat. Disgusting, useless, and just plain dumb.

If I told you the guy’s power is the flight – you’d say, hey, that’s not dumb, nor useless. And I’d agree if I didn’t know the back story of the Black Condor’s power of flight. So, when he was a baby, he was on a hiking expedition in Mongolia. The entire expedition dies (don’t ask how or why), and the baby is the only survivor (don’t ask how or why either).

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So, the baby is found by a flock of condors (despite the fact that condors live nowhere near Mongolia, but who cares, right?), and they raise the kid as his own. Later, he’s adopted and taken back to the US, where his parents were from – but he kept one thing from his condor family.

Yes, Black Condor can fly – because birds taught him how to do it. Like, it doesn’t matter that he’s human. If you spend time with birds, you can fly too! The

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