Unlock Your Inner Power with these 5 Chakra Symbols Tattoos

Chakra Symbols Tattoo

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha Chakra, is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the larynx. This is the reason this chakra is also called the Throat Chakra. It is one of the 7 chakras. The energy element governed by this chakra is effective communication. It also represents inspiration and expression. Vishuddha Chakra establishes a strong connection to both verbal and body language.

The Sanskrit word 'vishuddha' means purifying the body from harmful substances. The Throat Chakra restores the energy by detoxifying the impurities from the body and mind. Unhealthy food and polluted air block the Throat Chakra. An active Vishuddhi Chakra contributes to the preservation of health.


The Throat Chakra is associated with the color bright blue. Blue energy is pure, soothing, calming, and healing and connects a person with the divine. The element of space defines the Throat Chakra. Emotions can only expand when there are space and freedom. The seed mantra of Vishuddha Chakra is

Intuitive Chakra Meaning

The blue color element of the fifth of the seven chakras explores all levels of self-expression. Blue is the color of communication, providing us with the power of speaking the truth. Blue is also at the cooler end of the spectrum of colors. Blue allows the body and mind to experience stillness. It represents a pure mind that is uncluttered from any negative thought.

The element of Vishuddha Chakra is Akasha or space. Space opens the possibility of an expansion of perspective. It symbolizes the energy of seeking and speaking the truth. The Vishuddha Chakra also governs our internal communication with our true Self. When this chakra is balanced, we are able to listen to the guidance of pure energy. We are able to understand others deeply and effectively.

When the energy of the Vishuddha Chakra is imbalanced, communication breaks down. We refuse to listen to our inner Self and to others. Others are unable to understand us and feelings of loneliness surround us. The symptoms of a disturbed Throat Chakra are:

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Since the Vishuddha Chakra is connected to the throat, there are visible physical problems due to imbalance. A sore throat, fluctuations in hormone levels, and pain or stiffness in the neck area can be symptoms of a misaligned Throat Chakra.

Every time working on aligning a chakra maximizes the chances of creating a happy, well-balanced life. Healing the Throat Chakra isn't as difficult as it might seem and the improvement in communication impacts all aspects of life. The feeling of freedom and empowerment to understand our authentic Self comes with a balanced Throat Chakra.

Yoga helps to connect the spiritual and physical of the body through asana. Connecting to the breath while holding asana helps to release tension and bring energy to the area of the throat and thyroid. The yoga asana that helps in stretching and opening the blocked channels of the throat are:

Chakra Healing: Learn How To Balance Your Chakras

Connecting with our inner truth begins with quieting the mind. Mindful breathing presents a way to calm thoughts by focusing attention on the breath. While inhaling deeply, experience the flow of air passing smoothly to the lungs. While exhaling slowly, experience the release of all negative impurities blocking the body and mind.

The repetition of affirmations sets the intention to break old patterns and create new, healthier and more effective, ones. To balance the Throat Chakra, repeat affirmations that relate to authenticity and open communication. Here are some examples:

Is the mantra associated with the Throat Chakra. The vibrations from “RAM” open your throat chakra so that your communication energy can flow strongly.


Unlock Your Inner Wisdom: The Power Of The Third Eye Chakra

These are some chakra foods that promote overall openness and balance. Whole-grain foods like brown rice and reducing overall sugar intake is healthy for all chakras. However, there are also more precise dietary changes you can make to target specific chakras. Fruits like apples, oranges, and all other fruits that grow on trees are traditionally associated with the throat chakra. Simple spices such as salt, lemongrass, or ginger to foods can be added to heal the Throat Chakra.

The energy of the Vishuddha or Throat Chakra can prove to be your greatest strength if used effectively. The ease of communication in expressing emotions is a basic need. When our communication, with others and with ourselves flows, we experience more clarity and positivity of thoughts. When we have more clarity, our intention and actions are clear too and any toxic impurity holds less power over us.

Born into a Jain family where yoga has been the way of life for five generations, my formal yoga journey began at age of eight at a Vedic school in India. There I received a solid foundation in ancient scriptures, including Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Yoga Sutras (to name a few). In 2009, I founded Arhanta Yoga Ashrams. I see yoga as a way to master the five senses, so I named our ashrams 'Arhanta Yoga, ' the yoga to master the five senses! In 2017, I also founded Arhanta Yoga Online Academy so that people who can not visit our ashrams can follow our courses remotely. At Arhanta, we don't just teach yoga. We teach you how to reach your potential, deepen your knowledge, build your confidence, and take charge of your life.In this post, you’ll learn how to unlock your chakra energy in 7 simple, but powerful steps. This 10-15 minute practice can help free up the flow of your life energy, so you can find balance, fulfill your highest potential, and live in alignment with your highest intentions.

Practices To Access The Gifts Of Your Chakras

The yogic tradition identifies seven energy centers that reside within our body. When these centers – or chakras – are balanced and open, we feel aligned and whole. Our inner needs are met, and this allows us to open up to other people and life itself. But when they’re blocked, we experience various forms of resistance to life. We feel a sense of lacking, and our life energy is easily depleted.

While any yoga practice can help open and balance your chakras, working intentionally with each individual chakra can be especially potent. What I’m sharing with you today is this kind of targeted approach. I’m taking you through a series of seven yoga postures that, combined with powerful affirmations, can unlock your chakra energy gently and effectively.


Because this practice only takes ten to fifteen minutes to complete, you can easily add it to your daily routine to keep your life energy flowing day after day. But before we get to that, let’s talk a little about what chakra energy is.

The Chakras: A Beginner's Guide To Understanding The 7 Chakras

Chakra energy is our life force – the energy of life itself. The chakras are seven energy centers that reside at different points along the spine. Each of these centers influences certain spheres of our inner experience. When they’re balanced and freely flowing with life energy, we’re at our best. We experience life in a balanced and fulfilling way. But when one or more of these chakras is blocked or imbalanced, we become blocked or imbalanced in the area(s) of our life that corresponds to the chakra(s).

We’ll explore each of these in more detail as we get into the practice, but more generally, the chakras can affect our mental, emotional & spiritual well-being. And, blockages can even show up in the body, manifesting as a variety of physical symptoms, such as tightness, discomfort, or edginess.

Because chakra energy flows through your body, tuning into your body awareness can enhance your ability to sense this energy and any blockages that may exist. This is also why yoga works so well for unlocking your chakra energy. Yoga’s a physical practice. But more than that, it’s specifically designed to bend and twist your body in unique ways that open up space, increase circulation, and stimulate and calm your nervous system. If you’re tuned into your body before, during, and after yoga, you can feel the flow of energy it releases when you practice.

Ways To Open Your Spiritual Chakras

Not everyone’s familiar with sensing their inner energy. We tend to spend a lot of time in our heads, giving little attention to what’s happening in our bodies. And when we do bring awareness to our body, it’s often to notice muscular aches, tension, and other discomforts. Or, we feel our heart rate, our temperature, or our muscles engaged in some kind of movement. While these are all useful ways to connect with body awareness, they’re all


Chakra energy is subtle. To sense it, we must refine our sensual perceptions. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, it might be helpful to think about a time when you had a little too much caffeine. Or, perhaps a time when you felt overwhelmed or stressed. You probably felt a buzzing, frazzled energy in your body. It might have made you feel

As you move through this practice to unlock your chakra energy, you’ll want to tap into what’s happening inside you beneath the surface of your bigger physical sensations. The physical sensations will demand your attention initially. But if you stay a little longer in the pose, repeating your affirmation, your awareness of what’s happening for you on an energetic level will grow.

Vishuddha Chakra: How To Balance Your Throat Chakra

Chakra energy

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