Take the Leap of a Lifetime Get the No Turning Back Tattoo Today

No Turning Back Tattoo

Going to happen for you. The reason I know it’s not working is simple: I’ve been exactly where you are, and it left me nowhere except: stuck, alone and frustrated. Now I am consistently in conversations with those who feel they same.

And yet, nothing changes —except for one crucial thing: they start to lose their belief in themselves of bringing their deepest desires to life.


Today’s post is an excerpt from my upcoming book,  The Leap of Your Life: How to Redefine Risk, Quit Waiting For ‘Someday, ’ and Live Boldly.

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The portion included is part of the introduction, and I couldn’t be more excited to share this with you. If you’re ready to pre-order and claim massive bonuses, head over to LeapOfYourLife.com and grab yours today. You can also simply head to Amazon or Barnes & Noble here.

I wrote this book for you. The person out there who hears the whispers come during the quiet pockets of life and knows there’s something greater for you. You know it’s in there, somewhere…but you’re stuck. And the Leap Of Your Life is designed to give you permission.

You. Maybe not literally, but it’s killing your spirit. It’s killing your belief, your enthusiasm and the thrill of this one experience we call life. It’s killing your energy, vitality and hope for the future. When those are gone, you might as well be the walking dead.

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The consequences of not taking your leap are real, and they stare back at you every morning in the mirror. They’re reflected in bank statements. They’re felt in your body language during time with the people you love. They’re wrapped on long exhales as you aim to keep it all together.

And we can still have a leap we know we must take. Sometimes, this can be the most precarious circumstance of all: we have everything we’ve been told we should want, yet something is still missing.

And I’m here to tell you what’s missing is the leap of your life. But before we get into it all, let’s define what a leap is.

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You may be wondering: what exactly constitutes a leap? You may be thinking it’s abandoning western life and moving to an ashram in the Himalayas, quitting your accounting gig, launching the new app or parachuting out of a perfectly good airplane at 15, 000 feet.

Sometimes, the leap we have to take seems inconsequential to others and yet leads to a bold moment of no return: reaching out to a recruiter with the hopes of transitioning out of our job, having the tough conversation with our partner, launching the side hustle or

What matters, then is not necessarily the magnitude of the leap. It’s simply that it matters to you, and includes the following:

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You feel a pull. You can’t explain it, but you feel pulled towards your leap. Much like a magnetic charge, you can try to avoid it, but it comes back stronger than ever.

The stakes are high. Your leap There are real consequences to not making it. There’s also endless possibility by stepping into it.

There’s an element of risk. Your leap has degree of risk, and for now you’ve chosen to play it ‘safe’ at the expense of your own fulfillment.

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Not doing it will hurt more than doing it. Lastly, even though you haven’t taken your leap yet – not doing so hurts more than any consequence or perceived failure of taking it.

Every day you put it off, a part of you withers away, knowing your dreams are on hold as you attempt to live someone else’s life. (I use the word attempt

As we begin this adventure, I want you to treat it as such. I’m going to take a wild guess you’ve read books with similar themes, but you haven’t read


Things That Will Likely Happen When You Take A Leap Of Faith In Your

One. Finishing the leap of your life will drive you towards a decision, which won’t only be shared between you and me.

There are a few reasons why you may be here right now, and I’m going to tell you why you should stick around:

First, you feel a calling for something bolder and bigger for your life — and you believe it may be possible, but you’re finding yourself stuck.

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Second, you know if you continue on the same path you’re on today, you’re going to look back and feel the sinking feeling of regret.

Third, you’re tired of playing everyone else’s game. For too long, you’ve done what others told you to do and ignored a part of you that

Lastly, there’s a voice whispering to you during the silent pockets of life slowly begging you to put yourself on the line and

Take The Leap

This voice comes to you when the intensity of life has slowed down. When it can no longer be drowned out in noise, bills and an unrelenting breaking news cycle, it comes to you. Sometimes it whispers on those long car rides where you’re running on auto-pilot and have the ability to (truly) think.

During those early mornings right before the chaos of the inbox hits. Or when you’re in those in between moments on the airplane and the perspective of being at 37, 000 feet invites some deeper questions.


You’ll think everything I said sounded nice, but you won’t make the commitment I’m daring you to make — so this may as well be a video game. Except there’s no fantasy lands, and I’m not nearly as entertaining.

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Or, you’ll have the spark, the insight, the push required to create something so powerful, the current version of yourself can’t imagine it. You’ll be brought to your knees (except this time, in a is-this-really-happening way.)

Taken the leap. You launched your business, you moved cross country, you took the big chance. This can’t be for you, right?

Leap. The truth is: life and business are a series of leaps and micro leaps as you continue to expand on your journey. Most assume if they already did a leap, they’ll be better prepared for the next one, right?

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And in fear about their next leap. Often, those with something to lose are less likely to take a leap: taking a chance is easy when you don’t have much to lose, but what about when things are working (to a certain degree)?

In working with countless thought leaders, industry trailblazers, and entrepreneurs who have made bold decisions in the past, I’ve noticed they need a constant reminder and push towards their

Otherwise, they slide back to mediocrity, the passion and challenge they once had fizzles and what once felt like a riveting life – has now vanished and become mechanical.

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But what if we’re wrong – what if the real risk is putting our dreams on hold, placing them under a box labeled ‘someday’?


Big, or else we may fail. Follow the secure path, and you’ll be handsomely rewarded. Not only will you be rewarded with the markers of success, we’ll take care of you.

Since those around you have also bought into this narrative, they’ll support you. You’ll fit in, and your life’s path will be etched in certainty.

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And yet, so often –we find ourselves on someone else’s path, living someone else’s dream, to live up to the expectations (and approval) of others. We trade in our calling for our ceiling, our purpose for a paycheck, and our enthusiasm for exhaustion.

Our inability to tolerate even the smallest of risks, has led us to live an unfulfilled life. The illusion of security has drained our life force. The calling you felt deep within you started as a wildfire and is now nothing but ashes. What once a 6-lane open highway of possibility has now become a cemetery where dreams go to die.

Reading the leap of your life book will challenge you to have an open mind, no matter if you consider yourself a brazen risk taker with an entrepreneurial mindset, or your definition of risk is passing someone on the right-hand side of your local freeway at a brisk 66 MPH.

Keep Your Eyes Open

The problem with our perception of risk is simple: we don’t take chances during the low stakes moments of life, so we’ll never take them during the high stakes moments. Which means every single day we’re wiring ourselves to not listen to what we know we have to do but are unwilling to face it.

So there you have it: I wanted to share the introduction of the book with you, to see if it resonates and connects with you. Like I’ve said earlier: this is the book etched into my spirit, and was created because of two main reasons:

 —I wish I had this book. I needed someone to help me give my dreams permission, otherwise I’d stay stuck and wake up with a sinking feeling of regret.


The Day You Decided To Take The Leap

I felt alone, I felt fear…and there was a chance I’d come home with my tail between my legs. I hated where I lived and I was on the wrong trajectory. I wish I had this material to lean on and go all in on myself and my deepest desires.

These days, I’m constantly in conversations with clients, potential clients, people at live events and even at grocery stores

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