A Symbol of Strength Check Out These Amazing Autism Ribbon Tattoos

Autism Ribbon Tattoos

Since ancient times, symbols have been used to represent strength and resilience. These symbols are popularly worn as jewelry, depicted in artwork, or kept close as talismans because they give a symbolic boost and bolster strength in times of need or during adverse situations.

They can be a reminder of your inner strength and courage, giving you the push you need to achieve your full potential. They can showcase a ruler’s power or a nation’s resilience.


In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the most famous symbols of strength, many of which you’re likely to have come across at some point.

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As a highly regarded symbol representing strength and fertility, the Celtic Tree of Life is always depicted inside a circle with deep roots, almost as long as the extended branches.

Apart from the Celts, the Tree of Life is common in many other traditions and cultures because of its affinity for symbolizing strength, unity, abundance, and family.

The Baobab tree in African culture, the bodhi tree in Buddhism, the forbidden tree in Christianity, and the human placenta are all related, in part, to the Tree of Life.

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Although many interpretations can be derived from the Tree of Life, one that deeply resonates with us is the famous quote by Carl Jung: “No tree can reach heaven until its roots dig deep into hell.”

In New Zealand and Māori culture, the fern represents power and endurance. Throughout the ages, ferns have been said to have healing properties.

And the feather, in many cultures throughout the world, is meant to provide spiritual guidance and stand in for wisdom, trust, and freedom.

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Also, since both symbols look alike, they can be used interchangeably to represent the flexible yet resilient nature of the divine feminine.

In modern culture, the Thunderbolt represents raw power and electricity, often sported by famous superheroes such as the Flash, Captain Marvel, and Shazam.

In that same regard, the Thunderbolt was used as the weapon of choice by gods in various cultures. Thor, the Norse god of thunder, Zeus of Greek mythology, Jupiter of Roman mythology, and many other gods, are depicted as wielding thunderbolts to punish their enemies and invoke the full extent of their powers.

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As one of the fundamental mythical creatures of ancient Egypt and more often used to highlight all things Egyptian, the Sphinx statues are well known throughout the world.

According to historians, the Sphinx is said to represent wisdom, strength, and mystery since they are found alongside pyramids and the ruins of royal palaces.

Since these creatures are depicted lying on their stomach, with their head up high, (commonly termed the “Sphinx Pose”), the Sphinxes represent a guardian that’s relaxed yet fully aware of their surroundings.

Powerful Symbols Of Strength And Their Meanings

Although we don’t know for sure, this ties in with the theory that Sphinxes are perceived (and symbolized) as strong and intelligent beings.

As in real life, these tamed horses symbolize withdrawing from their natural tendencies to carry the burdens of others. Whatever the case, horses will always be symbols of enduring strength.

Although a raging Bull is a cause for concern, these awe-inspiring creatures have remained a firm symbol of strength, power, and virility. Besides that, the Bull is perceived as the definitive “beast of burden.” They toil in the field, push carts, and in some cultures, end up in ritual slaughters.

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Whatever the case, if you see a bull in your dreams, it can mean that you’re trying to power through a difficult time in your life in order to find peace or companionship.

As an obvious stand-in for freedom and courage, the Eagle is highly synonymous with power and strength. An eagle is truly free, but it must be strong and authoritative enough to remain that way.


That said, Norse and Egyptian mythology also came up with similar explanations: as intelligent and reserved opportunists, hovering high above the sky and swooping down ferociously when guaranteed a catch.

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In many Ukrainian and Polish traditions, the Six Petal Rosette was engraved in the crossbeam of a house, often used to decorate and appease the pagan god of thunder and lightning, Perun.

The initial symbol is created by overlapping six circles within the center of an enclosed circle. This results in six lenses or “petals” splitting off from the center of this enclosing circle.

Although it’s not found in other cultures, the Six Petal Rosette is an immaculately symmetric and timeless symbol, making it ideal as wearable talismans or amulets.

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Just as the paddle is used to row our boat in this stream called life, the Tabono helps us symbolize our struggles and how we can overcome them.

The symbol is depicted as four “oars” in the shape of ovals meeting together to form a cross. Most perceive the symbol as four paddles rowing together, while others describe it as a single paddle making the rounds.

There’s no denying that the Celts were very fond of trees and saw something in them that led to several Celtic symbols being derived from nature.

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So, apart from the mighty oak, tree of life, and triskelion, the Celtic Dara Knot is another revered symbol of strength and prosperity.

There are several variations of the Dara Knot. As a symbol, it represents the sturdy root system of the mighty Oak. This is a nod to the concept that our strength comes from our roots. They stabilize us and always lead us to where we belong.


Just like the thunderbolt, it’s a primary source of power for the god of thunder, Thor. In the original translation, it’s referred to as “the grinder, ” “crusher” or “thunder weapon.”

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And although it’s nowhere as close to a practical hammer (or Thor’s Mjolnir in the Marvel Cinematic Universe), the Nordic symbol is very popular in necklaces and bracelets.

Also referred to as the Helm of Awe or Helm of Terror, the Aegishjalmur is a protection symbol used to instill fear in the enemy and ward off evil spirits and negative energies.

According to historians, the Nordic people would draw it on their foreheads or engrave it on the inside of their helmets. Whoever wished them harm would look upon the symbol and flee.

Common Symbols And Meanings (& How To Use Them)

The phoenix is a legendary bird in Greek mythology that bursts into flames when it dies and is then born again and arises from the ashes of the fire which had consumed it.

The image of the mythical bird being reborn from the fire and starting a new life through it has turned it into a symbol of strength and a spiritual totem.

Today, the phoenix continues to be among the most popular symbols of resilience and strength throughout the world and was the inspiration for the phrase ‘rising from the ashes’.

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With the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and the head of a horse, Griffins were believed to be extremely powerful, wise and strong beasts.

It was also commonly associated with strength on the battlefield and has been a popular choice for many coats of arms from families and armies throughout history.


The lotus is an aquatic plant that’s adapted to grow in delta areas and slow-moving rivers. With its long history of about 3, 000 years of being cultivated for the edible seeds it produces, this flower is highly significant in Eastern cultures.

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The lotus flower is considered a symbol of strength and courage in Buddhism because of its resilience in surviving its murky and filthy environment.

The lotus pushes through muddy, dark water until it reaches the surface and opens its petals in full bloom. The obstacles one has to fight through to reach the top are symbolic of the obstacles one has to overcome to reach their goals or success.

Hamsa, or the Hand of Fatima, is an amulet in the shape of a palm that’s highly popular in the East, and especially in Middle Eastern countries. It features the palm of a right hand, with 5 fingers pressed closed together, often with an evil eye in the center.

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The symbol is seen as an amulet that wards off evil and negative energies. Many continue to wear this amulet as they believe that it would make them stronger and protect them from harm.

A simple symbol, uruz is the second Nordic rune of progression. Known as the ‘rune of the ox’, it’s a symbol of untamed mental and physical strength, endurance, virility, fertility, and bravery. The rune is usually worn as an amulet to promote health and well-being and is said to give the wearer a feeling of strength and power.

The term ‘uruz’ was derived from the wild European oxen called ‘aurochs’, which were said to be a cross between a mammoth and a bison. These beasts are now extinct although the symbol continues to be in popular use throughout the world.

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The dragon is a mythical creature found in almost every major ancient culture and is depicted either as a benign or malignant being.

Mostly popular in East Asian culture, dragons symbolize strength, power and good luck for those who are worthy of it. The symbol was also used by the Chinese Emperor as a heraldic symbol, representing his imperial power and strength.


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