You Wont Believe What These People Did to Fix Their Broken Tattoos

Broken Tattoos

You Won’t Believe What These People Are Wearing to the Grocery Shop March 4, 2023 | Tammy Ziv |This article originally appeared on our sister site:

You might think that your local Costco or Walmart are innocent places where nothing exciting happens. Think again. We have discovered that the local supermarket can often be a place of horror with no sense of fashion at all.


We have gathered in our shopping cart the most horrendous, ridiculous, and scary outfits people have been wearing to go shopping. Rub your eyes as you will not believe what we have found.

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This woman took the term Breakfast in Bed, all the way. She got out of bed, stayed in something less than her pajamas, went to the grocery store, and picked up some breakfast. How simple can life actually be?

It is only people like us who actually get dressed in the morning. Who knew you can do without it and just go shopping?

What a creative solution to reaching the goodies on the highest shelf! This is why you should always go shopping with a buddy; you never know when you'll need to reach for something on the top shelf.

You Won't Believe What These People Are Wearing To The Grocery Shop

To be honest, it beats our strategy of waiting for a tall person to walk by. Though, you never really know if you're bringing along a friend you can trust...

We're not sure why this person is wearing the Grinch costume to a Walmart visit, but we are sure that he (we feel it's a he) definitely spread good cheer and smiles to all other shoppers, putting them all into the Christmas spirit.

On second thought, it is more likely that this scary Grinch scared the living heck out of the other shoppers and was asked to take his business elsewhere.

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The best part of going to the arcade wasn't the games, now was it? Nope! It was cashing in all our tickets for prizes and toys!

Instagram influencer Tina Woods seems extra excited to be waiting at one of those counters, waiting to cash in and collect her prizes! The thing about arcades is... You always have to spend at least $100 to get a $2 prize at one of those.

That Easter candy looks delicious, but they must have placed something extra tasty on the top shelf because this woman seems to be getting in her daily stretches while reaching for it.

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Who knows, maybe Walmart hosted an easter egg hunt, and this woman is going all out to win the golden egg! Either way, the good stuff is always on the top shelf.

This woman seems to be living the plot of the movie Big. She grew up overnight, but her clothes have stayed the same size as when she was 12.

Did her friend wearing the hat think it was better not to say anything before leaving the house? If so, it was definitely a wrong call! Maybe she should get both new clothes AND new friends.

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Are those pants leather? Are they really the best choice for what seems like a hot day, judging by the tank top she’s wearing?

Well, they do say that beauty is pain, or in this case, sweat. At least she'll have body wash to use for her next cold refreshing shower! And we aren't even talking about the brave choice that is her scaffolding of high heels.

Some people will do anything for a unique photo to post on social media. In our opinion, there are some things you should steer clear of. Sitting on dairy products is one of them.

Don't Believe Everything You Think (suffering Is Optional)

Not only is sitting on food against the rules, but it is also pretty gross too. Food is placed on that counter, and she is putting her backside on it. Ma’am, please leave!

This is a clearly overdressed woman. Her picture is taken at the grocery store while picking up some fresh fruit before returning home. Doesn't this lady have simple, day-to-day clothes?


She doesn't seem to mind and is playing hard to get, not even looking at the camera. We honestly can't blame her! What other better thing has she got to do anyway? Nasty Things... — Adult Party Game — You Won't Believe The Things... You'll Hear!

The security at this supermarket has taken its responsibilities to the extreme. If this security guard should come across anyone misbehaving or trying to shoplift, they will have this dude to deal with.

With his plastic Halloween sword and keeping-my-distance sunglasses, no one has a chance. The shoppers of this grocery store are as safe as they will ever be.

You think you've seen it all — well, you haven't. When we were kids, we thought we were clever by fooling our parents around; now, when we have kids, we are amazed as to what they can come up with.

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This little bit has decided that he has had enough of his parents. He would like to exchange his siblings and decided to hang out here until they eventually stop looking for him.

Last year when this young lady returned home from the Burning Man festival, she just knew that her outfit will come in handy. That her black plastic days were not over and that she will see her money's worth.

There is no harm in going to the local grocery store dressed like you're in a post-apocalyptic movie. In fact, some other shoppers even find this entertaining. Look at the expression on the woman behind.

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Short people have it hard, y'all. Sometimes we think that the people who work in the supermarket put all the excellent stuff on the high shelf on purpose, don’t you?

This woman is putting all of her tiptoeing ballerina skills to work trying to get whatever it is she wants down. We hope she managed to do so without dropping everything else on the shelves!


There is a bikini, and there's a bikini. This is not a bikini. This is a very small doesn't-cover-you-up purple pair of underpants that you forget to put something over before you entered the grocery store.

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Why doesn't the store have a policy that covers what is acceptable and what isn't? And if they have one and this lady decided not to respect it, where is the supervisor?

This girl was thinking about more than just her shopping when she went out to the shops that day. And we will assure you that she turned many heads while marking things off her shopping list at Walmart.

This woman knew exactly what she was doing when she strutted down the bread aisle wearing what she was wearing and owning it.

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Leggings are a comfortable choice to do just about anything in. In this case, the leggings seem to be just the right fit to help this athletic shopper get everything done in a fast and efficient manner.

We have a feeling this shopper knows a thing or two about efficient shopping. She has her grocery list on her phone, her bag out of her way, and she's ready to get shopping!

Who else remembers the catchy jingle in the Frosted Flakes advertisement years ago? Every time that tune comes to mind, we're off to the grocery store to buy ourselves a box!

You Don't Believe

We’re not sure if this woman is so short or the shelf is so high that she actually had to climb into the cart to reach her Frosted Flakes. Either way, it looks like she and her friend are having a blast.

The Italian chocolate hazelnut spread Nutella is clearly delicious, but that still doesn’t explain why there are four shelves packed with it in the grocery store or why the woman has decided that the Nutella on the top shelf is the most delicious.


What does she know that we don’t? And why is she reaching for another Nutella when she has one in her hand already? So many questions!

Appalling Facts You Won't Believe Are True

We assume that this lady went to Costco with her little boy, and while they were having lunch, her boy had to go to the bathroom or something, and she stayed there with his Pikachu.

However, it would be much more interesting if we said this woman went to Costco with her Pikachu and wasn't in the mood for cooking, so they both decided to stay there for lunch.

We’re not sure what is going on here. This woman couldn't make up her mind as to what shoes to put on, so luckily for her, one (questionably authentic) shoe company had something just perfect for her.

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Two in one. Jordan sneakers on high heels are the big new thing in fashion, so hurry and grab yourself a pair before this lady takes them all.

Some people are born to do a job. The minute they are brought into this world, their destiny is set for them. Take Kashera, for example. Can you imagine her doing anything else?

You couldn't trust any other employee with your money more than you could ever trust Kashera. There will never be any money missing, all bills will forever be organized facing up, and if you are ever short for small change, you know who to turn to. Kashera Kashera!

Don't Believe Everything You Think: The 6 Basic Mistakes We Make In Thinking: Kida, Thomas E.: 9781591024088: Books

This is a clear example of why you should have dinner, drinks, and desserts before heading off to your local

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