You Wont Believe These Incredible Game Of Thrones Tattoo Designs

Game Of Thrones Tattoo

Is the biggest, most expensive and now officially the best TV show of our generation, according to your votes in our poll of the greatest TV shows of the 21st century.

As Nikolaj Coster-Waldau told us: The end of episode one, when I saw that the first time I was shocked, I have to say. Having a relationship, an intimate relationship, with your own sister... it's a mouthful.


HBO first ordered the show back in 2008, but it took two pilots, the first of which remains unaired, and some swapped cast to get it over the line. (Alas for George RR Martin's cameo).

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The show finally emerged on April 17, 2011. The seventy-three episodes that followed added up to a total of 2 days, 22 hours, and 14 minutes of blood, battles, and bad language.

Secured itself as one of the greatest pieces of entertainment your eyeballs can enjoy – unless you're Prince Oberyn Martell, of course – winning a whopping 269 awards worldwide.

It's been a year and a half since we waved Jon Snow off beyond the wall, left Bran the Broken ruling in King's Landing and Arya Stark sailing off to the West of Westeros, so what better time to look back at the rich tapestry of the show's legacy?

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Digital Spy caught up with the cast, as well as poring over a decade of interviews from our archive, particularly by Morgan Jeffery, Catriona Wightman, Laurence Mozafari, Alex Fletcher, Abby Robinson, and Sam Warner. (Just hit the links as you go to jump back to them.) All to tell the definitive story of the greatest show in all the seven kingdoms.

Back in 2009, it's safe to say no-one knew for sure what they were getting into with this risky, though evidently big, HBO project. Gillian Anderson turned down a role – rumoured to be Cersei Lannister – while Danny Dyer tried (and failed) three times in auditions. Many eventual fan-favourites auditioned numerous times and even those eager to get on board didn't necessarily have the smoothest journey to screen, including one '90s pop star...

Gwendoline Christie (Brienne): I immediately rang my agent and said, 'I want to do this'. My agent said, 'What are you talking about? I'd never ever put you up for this. She's ugly, her nose is broken, her teeth are broken and you'll need to use a sword'.

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Kristian Nairn (Hodor): I was a first-time actor. I was glad I didn't know anything about the show at the time, because if I had I would've realised what a huge audition I was going for. I had no idea what

, and I didn't get the part. It was the casting director Nina Gold who remembered me – she called me in for this audition. I didn't know it at the time, but when you're called for an audition, that's really in your favour.

Richard Brake (The Night King, seasons four and five): I had auditioned a couple of times before for the show in other roles. I got pretty close at one point. But I'm so grateful I didn't get it… [that character] was nowhere near as important as I had thought when I auditioned. He did an episode or two and then died.

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A few months later my agent called me and said, 'They want to see you. Nina wants to see you again for

, but this time the character is in full prosthetics, he doesn't speak, and he's only going to be on screen for about a minute.


I thought, 'What the f**k? [laughs] This is what it's come to?' 'But he'll be important at some point, ' she said. So I went in. They had me pretend to pick up a sword. I had to pretend to pick up a baby... and touch it. That was about it. But I had no idea that he was the king of the White Walkers, or that he would be eventually called the Night King.

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Jerome Flynn (Bronn): I hadn't been on screen for about 10 years, I was thinking I might leave the business behind, but I'd also poured all my savings into renovating an old farm estate in Wales. My agent called – there's this thing called

, American, medieval, I was like, 'Oh god really, that sounds dodgy'. And I had a lot of resistance going down to London to audition.

I opened up a kitchen cabinet onto my eye and gave myself a kind of black eye. I didn't look at the script, but I put my hair back and I suddenly felt like 'Oh, I could be a badass'. They just saw the face and they saw that and thought, 'Ooh yeah, he's a bit of a killer'. I think it helped also because Dan [Weiss] and Dave [Benioff] said they had no idea about my past, about Robson and Jerome or

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Somebody sent me some blog when I got cast, from English fans of the books... and then when they found I got cast, some were desperately upset, one guy couldn't believe that Bronn could be played by me. And one guy actually said, 'This is the worst day of my life'... they just couldn't put those two, Bronn and Jerome, together.

Liam Cunningham (Davos): I'm a big fan. I got the DVDs and I said to myself, 'I'll give me several weeks to finish this', and I did the stupid thing where I watched six in one day. I just fell in love with the quality of the thing. This sad world with grown-up characters and fantastic acting and jaw-dropping moments of drama. Joe Dempsie (Gendry): When they were originally casting for the pilot... I actually auditioned for the role of Jon Snow. I didn't get very far and then when the series was commissioned, I auditioned for another two roles, before eventually being cast as Gendry. It just seemed like the creators had identified people that they wanted to work with, and then it was just a case of which piece of the jigsaw you fitted.


As soon as they walked on set, everyone could see how much of a gamble HBO was taking on this massive show. But before it aired, it was still very much an unknown quantity.

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Kristian Nairn: There was a huge sense of anticipation. No-one really knew how the show would be received, but one thing that was clear was how much effort HBO was putting into it. When you walk onto these sets, the sort of level of detail they have gone to, all the research they had done, you just knew this was going to be something special.

People were working so hard. As I said it was my first acting job, but I would see other actors saying, 'Oh my God, I haven't seen anything like this, this is going to be something different'.

Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran): It's been a pretty great place to grow up. I mean, the advice, and the people, and the wealth of experienced, interesting, clever people that I've had access to as a teenager growing up.

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Kristian Nairn: There was one mass influx at the start – we filmed the Lannisters arriving in Winterfell. That for many years was the biggest on-screen gathering of the cast. There were people there who didn't survive for very much longer, and there were people there who you would never meet again.

I got to meet everybody over the years at fan events, conventions and table reads. We were filming in so many different locations, it took a long time. I only met Charles Dance for the first time I think about two years ago.


Liam Cunningham: It regards itself as intelligent and it rewards commitment to the show. David and Daniel [showrunners] met in Dublin, they were both doing masters in Irish literature when they met in Trinity College. These guys are not philistines; they treat their audience the complete opposite of a lot of television shows. They don't patronise, they're not shovelling out lowest common denominator, keep-your-retina busy stuff. It's an incredible show for an intelligent audience and it rewards that.

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Michelle Fairley (Catelyn): I think it's the humane satires, it's intrigue, it's deception, it's honour. I think if you take away the setting it's stuff that everybody deals with in their life. It's about family, it's about honour, trust, it's about betrayal.

Liam Cunningham: A lot of people have gone, 'I'm not into fantasy' – it's not about that. There are extraordinary characters in extreme situations with their lives, their loves, their hate, their betrayals, their jealousies and set against this backdrop of fantasy.

Emilia Clarke (Daenerys): You can take the magic away and it stands alone as a compelling drama with complex characters. And it's got themes running through it that people can relate to. Family and jealousy and rivalry... but then you put the magic on top of it and it makes it something even more special.

Game Of Thrones Review

From the Red Wedding to the Battle of the Bastards, every fan has their favourite moment. And the cast are no different, whether it's on screen or something hilarious behind the camera.



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