Unlock the Power of Meaning Discover the Hidden Meaning Behind Subtle Name Tattoos

Subtle Name Tattoos

As I explore and embrace many different metaphysical practices, I realize that we all have hidden spiritual powers that we can tap into. With these powers, we can tap into the law of attraction to manifest anything we want.

As I think back to the times in my life when I attracted and manifested an abundance of love, money happiness, I was connected to my inner power.


I also look back to the times when I wasn’t successful in relationships or with money. During those times, I now realize that I wasn’t connected to my inner being (my hidden inner power).

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In the “good” times, I was connected to my spiritual powers, in the “bad” times, I wasn’t connected. I wasn’t vibrating at the right frequency and therefore I was offering resistance and nothing I desired appeared.

The key to awakening your inner power is to change your vibration, your brain wave frequency, to the same frequency as your inner self. When you achieve alignment with your inner awareness, then you have access to and awaken your hidden powers. Let’s see how we can do that.

It’s certainly easier said than done. In fact, there are several practices that I have done, and that you can do that to tap into and create the life you desire.

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Before we delve into these 5 practices. I want to draw your attention to the Related Articles section at the bottom of this post. I’ve assembled a collection of articles that you should find interesting and related to this topic. Make sure you check them out.

Meditation is one of the most powerful techniques that is taught all around the world. There are all kinds of different meditations. It’s not my focus here to teach you how to meditate. There are many different resources that can help you with that.

Headspace.com is an option (it’s a paid program), at the time of writing this, they offered 2 weeks free. I like them because they not only offer guided meditations, but they also offer a wide variety of courses and info to help you get centered. (Another option is InsightTimer.com, which is free and has a huge variety of guided meditations)

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The most basic meditation practice will begin by focusing your mind on something, like your breathing. When you first begin to learn to meditate, you will be inundated with thoughts. And, you will get lost in thought regularly.

Eventually, as you practice meditation, you will become more centered on awareness. You will allow the thoughts and feelings; the sounds and sensations to come and go without your awareness following them and getting lost.

When you achieve this state, that’s when you begin to awaken your spiritual power. This process can take months or even years.

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An example of a breathing technique is the AHA method. (I found this when I was delving into H’Oponopono. With this breathing practice, you first breathe in while counting to 7, then hold your breath for a count of 7, then breathe out while counting to 7, then hold your breath for a count of 7. Then repeat!

You can repeat this breathing practice as many times in a row as you wish. I find that I tend to count quicker initially, then as I settle into the practice, my counting slows and I don’t feel labored while holding my breath.

Some of the times that I cherish the most are times when I was playing with my kids. I have four kids. When they were little, three of the four were under 7 years old. I would come home and they would all run to the front door to welcome me home.

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“Daddy, daddy, daddy, ” they would yell and wrap their arms around my legs. I would hug them and kiss them and tickle them. They would laugh and I would laugh.


I noticed as I look back on those times, my vibration was in sync with my inner power then. I experienced success very easily and opportunities were abundant.

As my kids aged, we slowly stopped doing these things. We did other activities that were also fun and I really enjoyed being with them. The fun and the giggling wasn’t as frequent.

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Today, I embrace fun and giggling whenever there is an opportunity. I love how I feel when I’m laughing and playing. I’m also aware that this fun and giggling is bringing me into alignment with my inner power.

We haven’t always had a dog, but when we first had a little puppy at home, he was a bundle of joy.

I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. In the winter, it can get pretty darn cold and we have snow. When our little puppy, Jasper, saw the show for the first time he was so funny.

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The first snow that year was a bit of a blizzard, we had 30 centimeters overnight (that’s almost 12 inches). I opened the back door in the morning to let Jasper out and he bounded out into the back yard like he had done every other morning.

Except, this morning he slipped and tripped down the stairs and landed in a lump at the bottom of the steps. He sat up, shook off the snow, and then leaped into another pile.


He was having so much fun. He stuck his nose in and sniffed, he jumped and pounced and played. I think he forgot that he had to go pee.

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Watching him play in the snow for the first time brought me so much joy. I laughed at him (with him). I had to go out and join him. I put on my boots, a coat, scarf, and hat.

I made snowballs, threw them across the yard, and would try to find them. I think we were out in the yard for an hour before he even noticed that he was getting a little cold.

For me, playing with Jasper brought me closer to my spiritual power. I was living in the moment, playing laughing, and having fun. I wasn’t thinking about chores I had to do or worrying about stuff going on in my life.

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I titled this section, “positive thinking to unlock your hidden powers”, but the important thing to do here is to recognize when you are starting to feel negative. Next, recognize that you are in the perfect place and that your world is always looking out for you.

Every experience that you have will move you to what you want. If you accept that “whatever is happening right now” is moving you closer to your goal, then you can be happy about it. If however, you are unhappy about it, then you start to add resistance and push away (or delay) what you desire.

It’s also important to recognize the situations and events around you as “situations” and “events”. Your mind gives these situations and events meaning. No matter what is happening, when you “trust” that what you are experiencing is a “positive” step (even if it feels like a step backward) in the right direction to achieve your goal. Here’s an example…

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Sure, not so good. You might have bills to pay, you might want to worry about bills or your family or be embarrassed or whatever. The list goes on.

You will feel all of these emotions but step back. Realize that every experience you experience is moving you closer to what you want. Perhaps this job loss will open an opportunity for you to get a better job. Perhaps losing your job will save you from some tragedy that will befall the building that you worked in. Perhaps losing your job will create an opportunity for you to meet someone that you always wanted to meet. The list goes on.

I’m not suggesting that it’s easy to experience some things. However, if you can re-frame the experience and look for potential positives, you will feel better. You will also get closer to your inner power. When you get into alignment with your inner power, you are unstoppable!

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With this technique, I find that going to play with my dog helps me to get into the right frame of mind to make these positive assessments. After playing with my dog, then I can go and meditate, then I feel really good!

When you experience something like a job loss, it’s tough to see the positive. Act in successive steps. Play with your dog (or a neighbor’s dog if you don’t have one).

That will help you to improve your vibration. Then appreciate all the abundance you have around you. If you can’t see abundance, think of the air you breathe. There is an abundance of that. Be grateful for the air you breathe.

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I believe that when I feel unconditional love, I am connecting to my spiritual power. Feeling this isn’t always easy especially when we try to experience unconditional love for a family member or a friend.


Our family and friends have a history with us. If we haven’t forgiven them for something they have done in the past, then it’s tough to feel unconditional love for them.

One way to feel unconditional love is to think about

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