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Wolf Growling Tattoo

“ Walk with the pack. In the eyes of Wolf we are all brothers and sisters. — Wolf Shaman in The Great Hunt

Wolf, also known as Spirit of Wolf, Wolf Spirit, and Great Wolf, is a Great Spirit of the Wild and the natural embodiment of all wolves.


He is revered by the norn, who build shrines and lodges to honor him. According to his Speaker, Fastulf Jotharsson, Wolf is dedicated to brotherhood and loyalty and is the bond that cannot be broken. He keeps people together in the face of impossible odds and reminds them that they need never fight alone.

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Wolf is said to be dedicated to brotherhood as he imparts the virtues of loyalty, ferocity, and strength in numbers. He is revered as a masculine spirit, and the norn call him their brother, son, father, and uncle when they ask for his blessing.

According to old tales, Owl taught Wolf how his hunting would be for naught if his family dined alone, making Wolf heed Owl's wisdom as he returned to his cubs. Although in some cases Raven was believed to personally come to take the life of a norn who was about to die and guide the soul to the Mists,

In 1078 AE, the Elder Dragon Jormag began influencing Tyria after millennia of slumber. Through their champion Drakkar, the Ice Dragon whispered promises of power to the norn hunter called Svanir, and turned him into yet another of their champions, the Nornbear. The Elder Dragon also robbed Svanir's sister, Jora, of her ability to Become the Bear when she rejected the call,

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Although some believed that the Spirits of the Wild had taken the power instead to punish Jora for doing nothing to stop Svanir initially.

In order to find the elusive Nornbear who was terrorizing the Far Shiverpeaks, Jora and her southern allies approached the famous Sif Shadowhunter for advice. Realizing that the Nornbear would be difficult to track, Sif told the party to seek Wolf's blessing by invoking the Spirit at Wolf's shrine. After the humans in the party had communed with the shrine and embraced the aspect of Wolf via Volfen Blessing, they gained the enhanced ability to track the Nornbear by smell and detect his presence with Volfen Bloodlust, which helped Jora locate and slay her corrupted brother to end his rampage.

Following Jormag's awakening in 1165 AE, the norn tried to defend their lands in the Far Shiverpeaks from Jormag's corruption and destruction, but they were no match for the Ice Dragon. Wolf was one of the Spirits of the Wild who aided the norn in their exodus to the south.

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It is said that he was one of the four Spirits—along with Bear, Raven, and Snow Leopard—who revealed themselves to the norn hero Asgeir Dragonrender over the field of battle after Jormag had devoured Owl and instructed him to lead the surviving norn south to a sanctuary while Ox, Eagle and Wolverine stayed behind to distract and battle the Ice Dragon.

Asgeir's personal journal, however, included additional information not known by the rest of the norn about the circumstances of him severing Jormag's fang and his reasons for leading the exodus south.

At some point, all Spirits became aware of a prophecy involving a chosen norn who would either slay or fall to Jormag after cracking the Fang of the Serpent.


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Thanks to his actions, Wolf became one of the four most highly regarded Spirits of the Wild and had the Wolf Lodge built in his honor in Hoelbrak. Although the four Spirits had worked together to help the norn survive Jormag's attacks, they—or their followers—were not always on the best of terms. Followers of Wolf scorn Snow Leopard's stealth as cowardice, and the shamans of Bear are known to mistrust Raven's adherents, calling their deceptions dishonorable and weak.

Some norn like to speculate if Bear or Wolf would win in a fight while others deem such questions useless as comparing the two Spirits' respective strengths is like asking what would happen if the sun and the wind fought.

In the past, Bear, Raven and Snow Leopard gave their respective blessings to Wolf's map which was in Captain Romke's possession. When the Spirits were invoked, the map could display everything between the traveler's current position and the destination they wanted to reach. However, the boastful norn crew's voyage came to a sudden end due to the Rising of Orr which was caused by the Elder Dragon Zhaitan's awakening in 1219 AE. The map was lost in the crew's battle against the Risen, and the slain crew members' ghosts were cursed to haunt the shores of Orr until the map was retrieved and the Spirits had forgiven the crew's pride.

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Since then, some norn such as Aesbjorn claimed that Wolf had spoken to them and urged the norn to join forces with the other races to face Jormag. Rather than waiting for the strongest hero to step forward to damage the Fang of the Serpent as Bear would do, these norn believed that Wolf would prefer the power of a strong pack instead to challenge Jormag.

In 1316 AE, the seven-year-old Braham Eirsson came to see his ill father Borje the Sun Chaser who comforted him by telling him that Wolf would be walking alongside both Braham and his mother Eir Stegalkin. Later that evening, Borje passed away, and Wolf himself was believed to have taken him into the Mists.


In 1325 AE, the Sons of Svanir corrupted Ormi, who was both one of the local wolf pack alphas as well as one of Wolf's favorites, into an icebrood. Wolf's Speaker, Fastulf Jotharsson, tasked the Slayer of Issormir and Eir Stegalkin to put Ormi out of his misery so his spirit could be set free.

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After killing Ormi in Dragon Hallow, the pair returned to Fastulf who asked Wolf to grant his speed, strength and ferocity to the pair so they could overcome their next challenge: defeat the jotun leader Korag who had been swayed by Jormag's promises of power. In the confrontation that followed, the Slayer was able to invoke Wolf's power to transform into a wolven avatar and defeated Korag. While under Wolf's blessing in this transformed state, the Slayer was able to speak with and understand Eir's dire wolf companion Garm.

Around this time, Shaman Gamli discovered Valda, apprentice to Wolf's Havroun Solvi, in a death-like sleep in the forest. He alerted the Slayer so they could investigate the matter together as a pack and find a means to cure Valda. Wolf also called for Eir to assist the pair, and the three norn learned about the invaders in the Mists from the apprentice's ramblings.

Acting on this information, Gamli stayed behind to tend to Valda while the Slayer and Eir sought out help from Snow Leopard's Havroun Svena to enter the Spirit Realm, the Mists, where they discovered an increasing number of Sons of Svanir and had to retreat back to the physical world before they were overwhelmed.

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Realizing that Valda's spirit may have been trapped by the Sons of Svanir and that a more experienced havroun was needed to both battle the Sons of Svanir and safely locate Valda and Solvi, Svena sent Eir, Garm and the Slayer to seek out help from either Bear's Havroun Grechen or Raven's Havroun Weibe. After convincing one of the havrouns to assist them, the party entered the Mists again, this time encountering Valda's spirit fighting against the Sons of Svanir. After repelling the attackers, they learned from Valda how a high-ranking Son of Svanir named Styrr Frostblade had subdued Solvi with a corrupted Mist spike and was abusing the Wolf Havroun's spiritual power to open portals into the Mists so the icebrood and Sons of Svanir could hunt down the Spirits of the Wild in Jormag's name.


Once the party had safely guided Valda's spirit to her bedridden body, she was able to reveal her master's last known location. Valda, accompanied by Eir, Garm and the Slayer, then hurried to Solvi, defeated Styrr and his forces who had been guarding the havroun, and thus ended the icebrood invasion of the Mists. Solvi was fatally injured, however, so he entrusted the mantle of Wolf Havroun to Valda before passing away.

Later that year, Wolf sent a vision to Fastulf about a burning homestead where Eir and the Slayer were seen fighting against invading icebrood. The Speaker of Wolf was known as a prodigy among shamans and how his visions, which had guided the norn, had never been wrong, so Eir and the Slayer answered Wolf's call and traveled north to meet with Krennak the Short.

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While there, they confronted a Son of Svanir named Varg and a magical horn with which he summoned minions to fight in Jormag's name. Varg was ultimately defeated, and the Slayer was given a choice to either destroy the horn or keep it.

If the Slayer chose to return to Hoelbrak with the horn in the company of Eir and Garm, the trio were ambushed by a group of Sons of Svanir led by Niilo

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