TearFilled Tribute Show Your Love for Your Uncle with a Memorial Tattoo

Memorial Tattoos For Uncle

Many people have a soft spot for their uncles because they are always so good and caring. An uncle seldom scorns you no matter how bad you mess up. On the contrary, they lend their ears when you need them to listen to you and always give you the best advice. That's why it is a big blow for anyone to lose an uncle because that person would have lost not only an uncle but also a friend, role model, and advisor. In such a situation, the best thing you can do is to write the best tribute to a late uncle and celebrate the special moments you had together.

Writing a farewell message to an uncle who passed away is not an easy thing to do. You may have a lot to say but lack the words to express your feelings. However, since you want him to have the best send-off, you have no choice but to craft a beautiful passage worthy of the legacy he built. It does not matter whether it is one sentence, paragraph, or even a poem, but it must be from the heart.


No words can be enough to describe a beloved uncle who passed away. The thought that you will never see him again will weigh heavily on your heart, but life must go on. The only thing you can do is to show your respect with moving tributes such as:

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You may not know what to say at your uncle's funeral, especially if you were not close. However, there is no need to worry because you can still deliver a touching farewell message. You can achieve this with messages like:

You can explore many topics regarding what to write when your uncle dies. R.I.P quotes acknowledge that he is in a better place and is probably watching over you from above. The best R.I.P quotes for a dead uncle include:

A good tribute to a late uncle describes your relationship with him when he was alive. It can be about his character, something good he did, what he dislikes, or even a memory you shared. If you are writing the eulogy for an uncle who has passed, you should focus on the positive aspects of his life and how he impacted others.

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Published an article on what to say to someone with a sick family. The grief of having a sick family member is depressing. If you know someone who has a loved one struggling with illness, it is a good idea to give them words of encouragement and bring some positivity to their lives.

It is best to encourage them when in a challenging situation while using comforting words as an overwhelming emotional burden is on them.Our sample eulogies to help you write a fitting tribute for your uncle were written for us about real people.  One is by a niece and one by a nephew, both of whom wrote them especially for our website.  We hope that they will inspire you to write your own loving speech for the funeral. You can find more guidelines and some free eulogy templates in the links at the bottom of the page. 

My uncle, Thomas Clarkson, was born in 1959 in Dallas, Texas. He was the first and only son of his parents, but had two lovely younger sisters, one of which is my beautiful mother. He had a good childhood and even though my grandparents were not rich, their home was filled with love.

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My uncle Tom and my Mom often told me how their parents, especially their Dad always made sure they had all the things they needed. Moreover, my grandparents understood the value of education and did their best to encourage and see all their three kids through school. 

Uncle Tom was a renowned family doctor, who practiced for over 30 years in various Dallas hospitals. He had been determined to become a doctor since childhood and my mother often teased him about how much he cried when one of their uncles pranked him that he had failed the entrance exams into the medical school.

It was obvious he loved his profession and would never miss any chance at improving or learning something new. He is actually the main person who inspired me to become a medical doctor.


Ways To Pay Tribute To A Loved One

Once, I wrote a note to him saying that if he did diagnose me with a terminal disease, I wouldn’t worry, but would rather be confident that he would cure me. I didn’t initially realize how special my words were until I later saw the note framed and hung on his office wall. To say that melted my heart is truly an understatement.

My uncle was also a dedicated husband to his beautiful wife, Auntie Sarah. Their relationship seemed so perfect and they made marriage look so effortless, even though their union had lasted for over twenty five years. They would do everything together, including shopping, cooking, eating, laundry and going for their annual vacations.

Moreover, he was such a handsome man and they really looked good together. Whenever I took out the time to observe them, I would quickly remind myself that despite coming from a divorced home, it was still possible for me to have a beautiful and lasting marriage.

I Love My Uncle T Shirt

To be totally honest, I didn’t quite understand nor appreciate my uncle when I was a child, but as soon as I became a teenager, I realized what an amazing person he was. Although we lived in different states, he would call and check on me on a weekly basis, just to be sure I was doing fine.

He would always do his best to attend my birthdays or send me some of the most thoughtful presents. My sixteenth birthday still remains one of the most memorable days of my life thanks to Uncle Tom. Although my parents did most of the planning for my birthday, Uncle Tom made it a lot more special by making sure I at arrived the party venue in a chauffeured limousine. 


My Uncle also had a great sense of humor and there was never a dull moment with him. He would make some of the silliest jokes that forced me to laugh or smile even when I was going through some of the toughest times. We could actually spend long hours conversing about both meaningful and meaningless things.

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I used to visit Uncle Tom on Saturdays and we would spend our time watching movies. This was really like a therapy to me because even the most boring movies became interesting with his comments and analysis.

Although my Uncle didn’t have any children, he showed lots of love to my siblings and me. My mother always told me how excited he was when I was born and how he went about raving to everyone who cared to listen saying “the most beautiful girl is here”. I also remember how excited he was when I announced to him three years ago that I had made it into medical school. He was so happy and never stopped telling me how proud he was of me. 

Uncle Tom also loved socializing with people. He was such a selfless man who touched so many lives. He was very attentive and would listen to everyone’s problems and offer solutions to them. Fortunately, he was remarkably intelligent and filled with wisdom, so his wife, siblings, colleagues and friends could always count on him.

Personalizing A Eulogy For Your Uncle (with Samples)

He also enjoyed music and dancing. Michael Jackson was his favorite artist and I can’t forget how sad he was when this legendary musician passed on in 2009. He mastered the lyrics of most of the late pop star’s songs and would display his funny but cute dance moves whenever an opportunity presented itself. My uncle also loved fashion and he was always well dressed whenever he wasn’t wearing his professional coat. 


Unfortunately, death suddenly snatched him away from me on July 15th, 2020. Everything still feels like a nightmare to me and I vividly remember when my Mom called me to say he was killed in a fatal car accident.

It’s so heartbreaking that I never got the opportunity to tell him goodbye. I had beautiful plans for us and I was hoping to take him and his wife to Japan on his 65th birthday since he had always wanted to go there. Even though we enjoyed some beautiful moments, I still feel like I didn’t tell him how much I loved him enough.

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Uncle Tom will forever remain an award-winning uncle, and I will always remember him as a second father. He is one of the reasons I turned out to be a strong and hardworking woman. He might be gone, but his legacy lives on in the many lives he affected, especially mine. It’s unfortunate he won’t be here to attend my graduation from medical school, but I promise to make him proud wherever he is.

I am blessed with the most amazing parents anyone could imagine. They are caring, supportive and always encourage me to give my best regardless of the outcome. But I have also been lucky to

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