Mending a Broken Heart How a Tattoo Can Help the Healing Process

Broken Heart Tattoos Small

We have all been there, haven’t we? Meeting someone, getting to know them, falling in love. We have all felt that. Unfortunately, sometimes, falling in love doesn’t have a happy ending. Sometimes things just don’t work out and you can’t help but feel disappointed afterwards. Especially if you have given this relationship your all and you have tried everything to make it work. Walking out of a relationship or being broken up with, however, is not the end of the world. In reality, it can be a teaching moment in your life. So, if you want to commemorate it, what better way to do it then with a broken heart tattoo, which is going to help mend your soul.

Moving on after a break up can be a daunting task. Especially if you didn’t see it coming. However, it is something that almost everyone has experienced only to find the love of their life afterwards. So, if you are feeling down right now because of a failed relationship, it is time to pick yourself up and start working on getting past the hurt. It may not be easy, but it is completely doable and there are plenty of guides out there on how to do it. Of course, guides can be generic, so you need to go at your own pace and do the things that make you happy. However, following some of these tips will definitely speed up your break up recovery process.


After a break-up a lot of people make the mistake of pretending they are okay. It is easy to get carried away when your friends say it’s no big deal or you say to yourself that you didn’t love that person anyway. That, however, is the wrong way to go about this. It is okay to feel sad after a break up. This person has played a big part in your life, you have spent so much time together, it is normal to miss them. So, you need to allow yourself to feel that. Let your emotions out, cry if you need to, different people deal with emotions in different ways, but it is important to deal with them nonetheless.

I Just Got This Tattoo Done The Day Before Yesterday, Does The Healing Look Normal?

Have you always wanted to go to a cooking class, but your partner wasn’t into it? Well, now is your chance. Not having to coordinate your hobbies with a significant other is so much easier. Now is the perfect time for you to go out there, focus on your own wants and needs and do things you have always wanted to do. In other words, it is time to be selfish, especially if you have had to make a lot of compromises for this relationship. Plus, the more time you spend doing things that interest you, the easier it will be to move on and the faster the time is going to pass. Furthermore, spending time outside allows you to meet new and interesting people, which are definitely going to take your mind off your failed relationship.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Your best friend broke up with her boyfriend and ended up dating another guy 2 weeks later? Great! That may work for her, but it may not work for you. Move at your own pace and don’t rush into things you don’t feel comfortable doing. Jumping into another relationship just to forget the previous one may lead to even more heartbreak and disappointment. So, if you don’t feel like dealing with dating right now, that is perfectly okay. What’s more, if you feel like staying at home for a week, crying and eating ice cream, that is okay too. Dealing with a break up has its own grieving phase, which everyone survives in different ways. That is why you shouldn’t compare yourself to others, just do what makes you feel good right now.

Usually if you have been broken up with the first question that comes to mind is “What did I do wrong?”. It is human nature to look at ourselves first and start blaming ourselves for the failed relationship. Then you start rewinding back for things you could have done differently or moments where you felt like you did something wrong. We are here to tell you, however, that almost all of the time there is no one to blame. Sometimes these things just don’t work out. Maybe you were just too different, or you were in different stages in your life. Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you are meant for each other. What’s more, is this was your person, you would have found a way to work through your differences. So, don’t blame yourself, don’t look for things you could have done differently and just find a way to move on.

Meaningful Broken Heart Tattoos For Grieving With Loss

Closure is such an overrated thing. Especially in a break up. It is good to be given an explanation as to why the relationship is ending. But, forget about closure. You will always want to say more, you will always want to ask for more questions. The healthiest thing to do, however, is to just accept the break up and stop looking for answers. Because, believe it or not, the person sitting across from you may not even have them. At a time of sorrow you will be looking for logic, but the person who broke up with you may have based their decision on emotions. Therefore, they may not be able to answer your questions. That is why, you need to accept your faith and move on. Find the closure in your own mind, instead of looking for it from the other person.

“I think we should be just friends”. This devastating sentence has led to many heartbreaks. What’s more, lots of people accept this friendship just because they don’t want to lose that person. By doing so, however, you don’t allow yourself to move past that person. After a break up you need to what is best for you and what is best for you is to distance yourself. Stop checking their social media, stop texting them, don’t meet up with them for a cup of coffee. Allow yourself the freedom of not having that person in your life anymore. Staying friends after you have been together for a long time is not a bad thing, but give yourself time to heal first. Then, if you feel like you want to be friends, then that is okay.


Having your heart broken is something every person in the world has gone through. And while some people are able to move on swiftly, others are not so lucky. For some it is a life changing experience, especially if the relationship has been a very long one. A broken heart tattoo can help mend you heart. It also commemorates this important moment in your life. So, if you have had to change your whole life and mindset after a break up, a broken heart tattoo is just for you.In this article, we collected meaningfully broken heart tattoos for the skin if you want to tell the world about the heartbreak experience. Check it to inspire trendy designs and ideas.

Broken Heart Tattoo Stock Photos And Images

We’ve all been there! Everyone loses someone close to their heart at least once in their life. Maybe a friend, or love, or even a beloved pet. The feeling of heartbreak is well remembered. It’s the sadness and emptiness in the soul, the anxiety and depression that follows the loss.

Fortunately, we know how to overcome this life obstacle and express our feelings. Get a broken heart tattoo on your skin. This design carries a clear message to the world: things happen, but life goes on.


The broken heart tattoo is a great design to put on your skin. It is a multicultural and universal item for expressing feelings. The fact is that many people describe the pain of losing love similarly. Heartache is part of the survival instinct. It helps us gain experience and protect ourselves in the future.

Mind Blowing Heart Tattoos And Their Meaning

The placement of a broken heart tattoo depends on why you put it. If it is an intimate story, the location will be more hide. Choose the area behind the ear, back of the neck, side of the chest, feet, or thigh. Putting the broken heart tattoo in an outstanding location is better if you want to express your feelings to the world. You can pick the shoulder, forearm , wrist, chest, hands, and even face in this case.

A broken heart tattoo is not just two red half hearts. There are many options for how you can decorate this drawing. It can be designed with the subject or an artsy micro realistic tattoo. You can add a few details to make it more grunge:


These details can have specific meanings for you or be just a beautiful element for a perfect view of a broken heart tattoo.

Broken Heart Tattoo (unique Designs 2021)

As you can see, the broken heart tattoo with deep meaning and unusual stylization. We simplified your life and gathered the best designs, so you can choose any of them and get ink.

Love is as fragile as


We’ve all been there! Everyone loses someone close to their heart at least once in their life. Maybe a friend, or love, or even a beloved pet. The feeling of heartbreak is well remembered. It’s the sadness and emptiness in the soul, the anxiety and depression that follows the loss.

Fortunately, we know how to overcome this life obstacle and express our feelings. Get a broken heart tattoo on your skin. This design carries a clear message to the world: things happen, but life goes on.


The broken heart tattoo is a great design to put on your skin. It is a multicultural and universal item for expressing feelings. The fact is that many people describe the pain of losing love similarly. Heartache is part of the survival instinct. It helps us gain experience and protect ourselves in the future.

Mind Blowing Heart Tattoos And Their Meaning

The placement of a broken heart tattoo depends on why you put it. If it is an intimate story, the location will be more hide. Choose the area behind the ear, back of the neck, side of the chest, feet, or thigh. Putting the broken heart tattoo in an outstanding location is better if you want to express your feelings to the world. You can pick the shoulder, forearm , wrist, chest, hands, and even face in this case.

A broken heart tattoo is not just two red half hearts. There are many options for how you can decorate this drawing. It can be designed with the subject or an artsy micro realistic tattoo. You can add a few details to make it more grunge:


These details can have specific meanings for you or be just a beautiful element for a perfect view of a broken heart tattoo.

Broken Heart Tattoo (unique Designs 2021)

As you can see, the broken heart tattoo with deep meaning and unusual stylization. We simplified your life and gathered the best designs, so you can choose any of them and get ink.

Love is as fragile as


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