Cant Stop Crying Get a Small Angel Wing Remembrance Tattoo to Honor Your Loved One

Small Angel Wing Remembrance Tattoo

The Weeping Angels were an extremely powerful species of quantum-locked humanoids, so called because their unique nature necessitated that they often covered their faces with their hands to prevent trapping each other in petrified form for eternity by looking at one another. This gave the Weeping Angels their distinct weeping appearance. They were known for being kind murderous psychopaths, eradicating their victims mercifully by dropping them into the past and letting them live out their full lives, just in a different time period. This, in turn, allowed them to live off the remaining time energy of the victim's life. However, when this potential energy paled in comparison to an alternative power source to feed on, the Angels were known to kill by other means, such as snapping their victims' necks.

With an age almost as old as the universe itself, Weeping Angels that were converted from ordinary statues appeared as they did before being taken over. Other Angels resembled stone statues of winged, humanoid angels in chitons. Baby Angels resembled cherubs — naked, infant-sized versions of adult Angels. Baby angels possessed the same traits as adults, but when unseen, their footsteps and childlike giggles could be heard. Angels sometimes took the form of even bigger statues, such as the Statue of Liberty. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) When showing ferocity, Weeping Angels would bare their fangs and claws. (TV: Blink)


According to River Song, who had access to the definitive Book of the Weeping Angels, the angels were, in truth, not really stone, and they only took upon that form when quantum-locked to defend themselves and to hide as statues. As such, she noted they would become statues as soon as any sentient life-form looked upon them, only to be freed to their true form when that individual looked away. (WC: Monster File: Weeping Angels)

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Weeping Angels grew weaker from starvation without their usual energy supplies to keep them fed, with the stone wearing away over years. This wearing could become so severe that they might not look like their original forms anymore, losing their wings and becoming more like a typical statue of great age. Weak Angels did not have the same speed as their healthy counterparts. They could regain their appearance and restore themselves if re-energised. A single hour was all it would take for them to restore themselves. (TV: The Time of Angels) Weakness could hamper their ability to send people through time. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

The Weeping Angels could displace their victims backwards in time with a single touch. They would then consume the potential energy from the lives the victims would otherwise have led. They could move people through space as well as time, as for instance Kathy was touched in London, but ended up in Hull in 1920. (TV: Blink)

In some cases, victims were transported over space but in the same time period. This was helpful for directing victims, such as Rory Williams, to quantum energy farms, like Winter Quay in New York. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) Other times, victims were transported back in time in the same place, intentionally isolating them, as in the case of the quantum energy farm, (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) or in the creation of absolute isolation for quantum extraction. (TV: Village of the Angels)

In The Presence Of The Angels I Will Praise Thee…”

The Tenth Doctor theorised that getting touched by the same Angel as someone else would send you back to the same time as them when he, Martha Jones and Billy Shipton all got sent back to 1969. (TV: Blink) This theory would seem to hold as Rory Williams and Amy Pond both got sent to the 1930s. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) This ability led the Fifth Doctor to describe them as the most humane psychopaths in the universe. (AUDIO: Fallen Angels)

Different sources disagreed on the impact of being touched by a Weeping Angel twice. In Medderton, isolated by the Angels from both space and time, being touched a second time could cause a human to crumble to stone, destroying Gerald and Jean in 1901, rather than sending them back a second time. (TV: Village of the Angels) In New York City, however, Rory Williams was touched several times, being brought from Central Park to another street, then to Winter Quay, then further back in time in the same location, before time was changed by a younger Rory and Amy Williams, poisoning the stock by creating a paradox. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) It's possible both are options, with the result being up to the angel in question to decide.

The Weeping Angels had a unique and nearly perfect defence mechanism: quantum-locking, which caused an Angel to literally turn to stone when observed, (TV: Blink) even indirectly. (TV: Flesh and Stone, Village of the Angels) This meant they could not attack while being seen, but also ensured they would not come under attack themselves, as, when transformed into stone, a Weeping Angel could not be killed. (TV: Blink)

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One of quantum-locking's drawbacks was that Weeping Angels had to cover their eyes, to ensure they would not engage each other's defences. If two or more Weeping Angels saw one another, they could be trapped forever. (TV: Blink, AUDIO: Fallen Angels) This caused the Tenth Doctor to think of them as the universe's loneliest assassins. (TV: Blink)


When unobserved, a Weeping Angel could move incredibly fast, travelling great distances in the blink of an eye. (TV: Blink) They would often slow down the closer they got to their prey, as though playing with their food. (AUDIO: Fallen Angels)

Quantum-locking came into effect even when the Angel was observed through a medium like glass, or from another location entirely, viewed remotely on a monitor with CCTV footage. (COMIC: A Little Help from My Friends, TV: Flesh and Stone, Village of the Angels) An Angel could also engage their quantum-locking on instinct when they believed they were being observed. Amy Pond acted as though she could see the Weeping Angels, and they turned to stone all the same, though they cautiously began to re-engage as this false belief faltered. (TV: Flesh and Stone)

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Victims could avoid the Angels by winking rather than forcing their eyes open and not blink. The Tenth Doctor avoided them in this way during World War I, (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons) and Amy Pond did this briefly, though visibly struggled with it. (TV: The Time of Angels)

When an Angel was sufficiently fed, and had no need for further resources, it could kill by sneaking up behind their victim and breaking their neck. The Angels showed great physical strength, being able to break through steel doors, force magnetised wheels to turn, and snap necks without difficulty. (TV: The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, The Lost)


When victims looked an Angel in the eyes, the Angel could infect their visual centres, creating an image in their mind. The victim could then be mentally influenced by the Angel until it became fully grown, at which point it could escape the person's body, killing them. This ability could only be stopped by shutting down the visual centre, that is, by closing one's eyes. If re-opened, the Eleventh Doctor theorised this process would continue. (TV: The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone)

Crying Angel Stock Photo

Examples of mental influence included making the victim count down the minutes to their death, and making the victim hallucinate that a limb was petrified. They would also dissuade their hosts from closing their eyes, which would shut down their influence. (TV: The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone)

A rogue Weeping Angel once inhabited the mind of Claire Brown, and made her hallucinate that she had Angel wings. As she began to transform, Claire's extremities did actually start to petrify. (TV: Village of the Angels) Unlike in Amy Pond's case, which did not progress this far, (TV: Flesh and Stone) others could see this transformation. (TV: Village of the Angels)

In one unique case, a single Angel was able to infect and convert the robotic Heavenly Host, only Gabriel being able to resist the change. As the Host were already angelic in appearance, the transformation consisted of liquid rock being expelled from the face and coating them; instead of an Angel popping out of their heads. (COMIC: A Confusion of Angels)


Clipped Wing Angel

River Song once stated that there were always Weeping Angels lurking in the dark on any planet and warned that any statue someone encountered could be an angel in hiding, waiting for their target to blink or look away. (WC: Monster File: Weeping Angels) She also once indicated that the Angels had an ability to transform ordinary statues into Weeping Angels, or at least to inhabit them. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

Anything with the image of a Weeping Angel, such as a photo or a video recording, also gained the abilities of an Angel, and would eventually become an Angel, provided the image wasn't broken. (TV: The Time of Angels, GAME: The Lonely Assassins) Some attempts to destroy the image, such as the Thirteenth Doctor burning Claire Brown's illustration, could strengthen the

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