5 Amazingly Inspirational Positivity Tattoos That Will Blow Your Mind

Positivity Tattoo Designs

Tattoos are great because no matter where you go, there they are with you. This make tattoos especially well suited as reminders. Whether it's an image of someone or something, or something a little more direct ... like an inspirational quote tattoo!

Inspirational quote tattoos are exactly what the doctor ordered on days when you need a quick pick me up to get your head in the right place. Inspirational quote tattoos can also help to motivate those around you, if they are in an easily visible location. 


Most importantly, quote tattoos (and any script tattoos ) look awesome. With the precision of a great tattoo artist, your new inspirational quote tattoo will look amazing for years to come.

Tattoos Of 2021 That You Love The Most!

We have put together our list of the Top 10 Inspirational Quote Tattoo ideas. This list should get the wheels turning, and give you some great ideas for your next quote tattoo. 

A simple inspirational quote tattoo, create yourself. You can be anything you want to be. You have the chance everyday to become who you want to be. You have the opportunity to create yourself, no matter who you were before. You are the clay, and you can shape yourself into anything you can dream of. This inspirational tattoo will remind yourself of that everyday.

This inspirational quote tattoo reminds us not to be timid. Fortune is chance. But you need to be bold to give yourself more opportunities for fortune to smile upon you. You can't win, if you don't place a bet. A life lived without risk, without chance, is a life lived without learning what you are made of, a life filled with what ifs. Die saying I did, not I wish I had.

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Don't talk about it, be about it! This inspirational quote tattoo reminds us to act, not just talk. Talking is easy, actions take work. Talk is cheap, actions can be extremely costly. What you say disappears and blows away with the winds. Your actions however, have the ability to echo in eternity.

You are a human, you are nature's crowning achievement. You have millions of years of evolution put into you. All of your ancestors work throughout the eons has culminated in the creation of YOU. This inspirational quote tattoo reminds us of that. That we are all we need. We are the current peak of evolution, the top of the food chain. We are the most beautifully designed animals on earth. And, we have the minds, bodies, and souls, to get us through anything.

Be nice. It's something that we should all remember. But, many of us often forget. This inspirational quote tattoo reminds us to do just that. Be nice. When has getting mad, or being mean ever helped or made anything easier? On the flip side, I bet you can recall numerous occasions when being nice helped you and others. The next time you feel like getting upset, think to yourself, Be nice. then see how it goes.

Conscious Ink: The Hidden Meaning Of Tattoos: Mystical, Magical, And Transformative Art You Dare To Wear: Barretta, Lisa: 9781632651143: Amazon.com: Books

No matter what you face, know that no matter what, the sun will rise the next day. You can make it through anything. Think of all the times in your past when you thought it was impossible to overcome something. Did you make it? Of course you did. And, you will be able to make through many more challenges. Life will go on. Even when you and I are long gone, life will go on. This inspirational quote tattoo helps us put life's challenges in perspective.

This inspirational quote tattoo reminds us why we are here. The pursuit of happiness . That means many different things to different people, but in general it is building the best life for yourself, your family, your community , and the world. Are you spending your days in pursuit of these goals? Or, are you waisting your time with distractions? Use the majority of your limited time here on your pursuit.

We all meet the same fate. No matter how rich, how strong, or how beautiful , we all are made equal in deaths eyes. If you knew you were going to die in a year, I bet you would live that year a lot differently than the ones in the past. The funny part is, we all know we are going to die. It may be in 50 years, or it could be tomorrow. This inspirational quote tattoo reminds us of this fact. Memento Mori, remember you will die, that way you remember to live.


Top 101 Illuminati Tattoo Ideas

Breathe. Take a breath, allow yourself the time to look at the situation objectively, and come up with a course of action for yourself to take. There is no rush to react immediately. Breathe. We as humans possess the brains that give us the ability to not act instinctively, but to pause and think of the best course of action. Breathe, then act. This inspirational quote tattoo, is simple and very effective advise to help you live a better life.

Our #1 inspirational quote tattoo is, Veritas Vos Liberabit, or The Truth Will Set You Free. This doesn’t only mean be truthful to others, the idea is to be true to yourself. Are living the life you want to live? Are you acting like yourself? Are you spending your time the way that you want to? Ask yourself these and countless other questions to determine whether you are being true to yourself. Stop hiding who you are, stop living to impress others, stop lying to yourself and the world. Live free. Free yourself from your chains by being yourself. Die well. Knowing that you didn't hide from yourself forever. Veritas Vos Liberabit

That's our list of the Top 10 Inspirational Quote Tattoos. Hopefully the list will help inspire you to get an inspirational quote tattoo for yourself. Let us know in the comments your favorite inspirational quote tattoo, or if there were any quotes that we missed.

Times People Had A Beautiful Tattoo Idea And It Got Executed Perfectly

And, if you are planning to get an inspirational quote tattoo, or any tattoo, click here to book your tattoo at Mr. Inkwells.Placement is one of important factors to have tattoo.Wrist tattoos are popular as they are lovely , conspicuous and full of creative designs. It’s also easy to cover or show. Just put on long-sleeved shirt if you don’t like to flaunt your tattoo on the wrist.

Just like the foot, wrist is a body party having less fat. That’s why somebody may experience more pain when getting their wrist tattoos.


But wrist tattoo poses no more risk than any other location. No matter on the right or left wrist or both, it’s important to have a study of the design to get your favorite design. In addition, it’s the same important to find a professional artist as he knows how to make you feel comfortable and less hurt.

Popular Tattoos And Designs That Are Out This Year, Per Artists

Wrist is a small area. So it’s not feasible to get a tattoo of big size. Most tattoos on the wrist are found cute and lovely, carrying rich meanings.

If you are looking for inspirations to get a wrist tattoo, here you may find helpful from the collection of 50 awesome wrist tattoos. Let us know which one you like the best. Do pin it if you like anyone of them.

Carpe Diem is a Latin aphorism which means “seize the day”, taken from a poem in the Odes in 23 BC by the poet Horace. “Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow”. In this tattoo, the phase is surrounded with heart symbol and music notes, which gives the meaning of enjoy everyday and do things today.

Thinking About Getting A Topographic Tattoo Like This Of One. Any Good Outdoor Tattoos On You Or That You've Seen Before?

The simple word tattoo is a direct signage to reflect one’s attitudes, compassion and affection. The lettering tattoo is quite popular and easy to design. Find meaningful words and fancy tattoo fonts are imperatives to have an eye-catching tattoo on your wrist.


What makes me unbelievable in this tattoo is that the artist managed to shrink the complex world map on the tiny area of the wrist. When the whole is under your view, what else are your difficulties?

This is another wristband tattoo painted in Chinese ink effect. The mountains are ups and downs as if we are standing in the area. It’s incredible to create the magic beautiful landscape painting on the tiny canvas.

Amazing Watercolor Tattoos That Looks Real

You may not take is as tattoo unless the person puts up his hand. The realistic leaves form a shape of love, which has sent its direct message. Leaf itself has rich symbolic meanings. Green leaves symbolize hope, renewal, and revival.

If you love others, start from love yourself. In other words, start from self-acceptance. For instance, this wrist tattoo is an example of self-appreciation with heart shape in the Ombre color of pink-to-gray and the script “love myself”. The cute design appears nice for girls.

The Mandala inspired tattoo looks pleasant as if one wears a flower wristband. Mandala pattern usually means balance, harmony and cosmic infinity. So you will feel no surprise that many tattoo designs adopt the idea.


Tattoos: 100 Amazing Ideas For First Timers

This is another Mandala inspired tattoo design with half on the wrist. The semicircular petals extend upwards from the same center. The special pattern makes one unique to have the tattoo.

Sometimes you

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