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Summary. Of all the interview questions job applicants prepare for, the most obvious ones sometimes get the least attention. Yes, you came ready to share your biggest flaw, your greatest strength, a moment when you shined, and a concept you learned, but what do you do with a broad but direct question like “Why do you want to work here?” In this piece, the author offers three strategies for answering this common interview question and provides sample answers for you to use as a guide.

Sometimes the toughest job interview questions are also the simplest and most direct. One you should always expect to hear and definitely prepare for:


Like a similarly problematic interview question — “Tell me about yourself” — “Why do you want to work here?” requires you to focus on a specific answer without any clues, contexts, or prompting from the interviewer. It’s a blank space — but that doesn’t mean you can wing it and fill it with just anything.

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Drawing from my 16 years of experience as a communications coach as well as someone who’s sat on both sides of the interview table many times, I recommend three basic approaches:

You can use any combination of these three approaches so long as you keep your answer concise. Here’s how to tackle each approach effectively along with sample answers to use as a guide.

Employers want to know you’re passionate about what they do, whether it takes the shape of a product, a service, a mission, or a brand. You can also connect your passion to the company’s core values, which can often be found on their website. Showing you’re passionate about the position is particularly important if you’re applying for a role at a nonprofit where the mission matches your personal values.

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But how do you convey this enthusiasm? CEO consultant Sabina Nawaz offers useful tips in her piece, “How to Show You’re Passionate in an Interview.” As she writes, “When you’re passionate about something, it tends to spill over into other aspects of your life.” Identify those examples in your own life and share them during your interview. Expressing enthusiasm is not about “display[ing] the kind of full-throated, table-thumping behaviors companies tend to equate with passion, ” Sabina explains. It’s about conveying “what matters most to you.”

You are passionate. Simon Sinek has schooled us all on the importance of “why, ” and it’s no less important in a job interview than it is in a sales call or CEO keynote.

It’s no secret that we work harder, better, and longer when we enjoy the work, and what employer wouldn’t want that dedication from their staff? But it’s your responsibility to make that connection between job and joy clear. That connection can be as simple as “X is something I enjoy, ” but expressing

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While the interviewer is hiring you for who you are and what you can do now, they’re also interested in what you can achieve in the future. After all, they’re not just hiring you; they’re investing in you.

Express confidence about your ability to succeed and grow in the role. Use phrases like “Given my experience in X, I can see myself succeeding…, ” “I look forward to using my skills to…, ” and “I think I will contribute by….” The key is to describe how your previous experience has prepared you to hit the ground running.

Here’s a sample answer using a hypothetical marketing position for a health care company where writing, creativity, and collaboration are key priorities:

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I want to work here because, with physicians in my family, I’m passionate about helping people address their health challenges and make smart decisions about their bodies and their lives. I also love copywriting and diving into editorial strategy — especially in social media — and enjoy brainstorming with colleagues to come up with the best creative ideas. When I think about the needs of this role and the integrity of the corporate mission, I feel incredibly inspired and can see myself contributing in a big way. Key Tip: Be Specific

As you develop your answer, understand that the more specific you are, the more powerfully your answer will resonate. Conversely, the vaguer you are, the more generic — or even canned — the response will seem.


In the example above, the writer alludes to health care professionals in their family, focuses on copywriting and editorial strategy — not just writing — and mentions brainstorming, a more specific form of collaboration. These are all examples of specificity that make the answer seem more personal and unique.

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Before your next interview, practice your response to “Why do you want to work here?” out loud, not just in your head. And keep in mind that the best answer is less about

. If you convey passion, enthusiasm, and optimism with specificity, you’ll connect to the interviewer’s wish list in a way that will leave them thinking, “This is why“What problem are we trying to solve?” is a smart question, but it usually gets us nowhere. Here’s a better way, and some better questions to ask.

I was in yet another planning meeting, when my colleague leaned back in his chair and said “Yeah, but what problem are we trying to solve?”

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. And, we all thought the same thing: we’d love to come out with a crisp answer to that question that would impress everyone, and unblock us, but couldn’t. And we’d rather say nothing, than say something lame.

What problem are we trying to solve? It’s the new black in the fashion of looking smart in meetings, when you’ve asked “Yeah, but will it scale?” a few too many times. It’s a smart question. It helps us to stop thinking about the solution for a moment.


But it’s also a confusing and reductive question. What do we mean by ‘problem’? It sure ain’t the solution. And it’s not a business goal. Is it an actual

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, like what the IDEO design kit talks about? (and by the way, there is no mention of ‘problem statement’ in this design kit).

Before we leap into some other smart questions, let’s dissect our common garden variety problem. Got your gloves on? Great. Let’s open the carapace, pin back the membrane, and take a look at the anatomy of a problem:

This is a simplified, generic visual of the specimen, of course. But no matter the problem you try to articulate, it usually has all of these organs:

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A person (user type, persona) has a goal in mind, BUT thanks to some kind of trigger, she encounters a problem in the way. This problem has one or more underlying causes. Experiencing this problem has one or more negative impacts on her. She might do a bunch of hacks and workarounds to deal with the problem, but it’s still a problem.

You can think of all of these elements together as the problem space; a space that not only contains the elements themselves, but your


Any time you and your team think about some sort of problem to solve, that means that there must be something in it for you to solve that problem (e.g. increased revenue, increased market share), as well as for those

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That the problem space is connected to. What is the benefit to you/the business? What’s the cost of going after that opportunity? What’s the timeline like, to get to that value?

It’s important to sharpen up how you understand the opportunity (as well as the problem), because this is a better gateway to generate ideas. This is where you decide how ambitious you’ll be. In other words, it’s how you get to your

It’s surprisingly common to miss this connection, and stampede into the solution space without checking in with this strategy/opportunity/problem equation first. If you and your team struggle with problem statements, brainstorming, ideation and whatnot, this might be why.

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So, the next time you’re in a meeting and the whiff of “I-don’t-know-what-we’re-doing-here” is in the air, try to avoid the temptation to ask “What problem are we trying to solve?” and instead use these four spaces as a way to unblock your team. This will simulate lots of smart questions, that will lead to a richer discussion. Questions like:

Whatever your context, the better we can articulate answers to these, the richer our team discussions will be, and the better we can put our finger on what we need to do, whether it’s to solve a problem better, meet a need better, or execute on an opportunity better.


As a facilitator at Bright Pilots, I unblock teams by getting them to understand their problems and opportunities better, so that they generate better strategies and solutions.The four Ps are the key considerations that must be thoughtfully reviewed and wisely implemented in order to successfully market a product or service. They are product, price, place, and promotion.

Interview Q&a:

The four Ps are often referred to as the marketing mix. They encompass a range of factors that are considered when marketing a product, including what consumers want, how the product or service meets or fails to meet those wants, how the product or service is perceived

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