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Buddha Tattoo Design

The Journey of Soul Awakening No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. Buddha

There is an infinite source of power, an abundance of riches, gifts, and treasures, a place of eternal bliss, peace, joy and happiness within each and every one of us. Which we as powerful human beings have the ability to access, and yet sadly, many leave this world without ever discovering the amazing gifts, of connecting to the power that lies within them.


The Acknowledgement shares a wealth of spiritual knowledge, wisdom and teachings to accelerate you on your soul path. Born into a heritage of 200 years of Buddhist eastern spiritually, where the teachings of karma and destiny were taught from a very young age, Sharna holds extensive knowledge and wisdom. She delivers a unique blend of ancient and modern philosophies, mixing psychology, the universal and spiritual realms to bring you simple, practical methods of spirituality that strengthen and empower you to awaken to the greater powers that lie within.

Listening And Liberation: The World Is Sound

We do not focus on any belief system, but instead the higher realm, the light, the source, the power of the soul. Encompassing Buddhist teachings of detaching and liberating the soul by walking the path of love, light and inner freedom, Sharna’s work appeals to seekers of the truth, those wanting to free themselves from the karmic debts of this world. Appealing to those that know there is a deeper power within us and around us that cannot be contained in a single book, or religion.

Life gives us experiences that test our strength of character by putting us in situations that are perceived as ‘hard’ but in reality they are opportunities to strengthen ourselves, change, transform, awaken and connect with our higher self. Soul awakening should not be misunderstood or underestimated; it is just the beginning of a journey where you are willing to go to the depths of your own soul and eliminate all the barriers you have built, to embodying the love and light that already lies within you.

Religion is someone else’s experience of obtaining the truth. Spirituality is for those who want to seek their own direction, their own path, through the understanding of their own soul.

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The illusion is the ‘earth world’ holds the love, peace, joy, and happiness we seek; but we will not find peace in the outer world unless we first find peace, within ourselves.

No matter where you are on the journey of spirituality; connecting to oneself; breaking free from the earthly world and transitioning to the spiritual path; wanting to ascend higher, we take you further along the path.  The Acknowledgement shows you the steps to the greater powers within you, clearing your path so you can see the way, and empowering you to awaken to the greatest wealth in this world, the power of your own soul.From the beginning, it’s been clear that the highest rewards of Buddhism are experienced through a fundamental and radical shift in the way you understand the world and your place in it. Throughout time, and among different forms of Buddhism, this shift in understanding has been called different things, including awakening, enlightenment, Right View or Right Understanding, realization, satori, or kensho (a Japanese term which means “seeing one’s true nature”). In this episode I explore “awakening” in Buddhism: What’s meant by the term, attitudes we take toward awakening, why it’s so elusive, and how we can make the process of seeking less painful.


For those of us no longer beginners to Buddhist practice, the concept of awakening raises a troubling and dualistic question: Do we know the essential truth yet, or not? When we conclude we know, a good teacher challenges us. When we conclude we don’t know, they tell us the truth is not separate from us. When we decide we don’t care one way or another, they implore us not to waste our lives living in a dream. If you really want to awaken, the whole process of longing and struggling to realize the essential truth for yourself can be filled with frustration, confusion, and anguish – one reason some Buddhists choose to opt out of the effort entirely, postponing it until a future birth or simply cultivating satisfaction with their lives just as they are.

Approaching The Buddhist Path

This fundamental awakening experienced by the Buddha, and by subsequent generations of practitioners? Of course, there isn’t just one awakening. Or, that is, there isn’t only one truth to awaken to. We benefit from insights into the nature of dukkha, or suffering; into impermanence, and into our own karmic entanglements. The valuable – and truly liberating – things we can learn along the path are infinite. However, it’s clear from the Buddhist teachings, stories of the ancestors, and the experience of modern-day Buddhists, that there’s a pivotal and essential shift in perspective at some point in a person’s practice. Before that shift, we don’t really get it. We may think we do, but those who have awakened say we’re really just wandering around as if in a dream. After that critical shift in perspective, it’s as if we’ve woken up.

Putting words to the fundamental awakening in Buddhism is, not surprisingly, extremely difficult. Right Understanding itself is beyond words, so any words we choose to describe it are like – as the old saying goes – just fingers pointing at the moon, where the moon is reality itself. Still, the Pali Canon describes Shakyamuni Buddha’s awakening in great detail, as I discuss in Episode 9 – Shakyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment: What Did He Realize? Although the Buddha had spent many years in full-time, hard-core spiritual striving, he didn’t find the answers he was seeking until he directly perceived how suffering was created and perpetuated based on particular kinds of


(or Right Understanding): His perspective radically shifted such that he was completely liberated from suffering and from the cycle of its perpetuation. It’s impossible to adequately summarize Right View in few words, but essentially it means you are freed from delusions that drive you to create suffering.

How Zen Koans Unlock The (gateless) Gate Of Enlightenment

In original Buddhism, distinctions were explicitly made between those students of the Buddha who awakened to the essential aspects of truth, and those who didn’t. When someone really

, they were called an arahant. The Pali Canon repeatedly tells the stories of practitioners listening to the Buddha and then, at some pivotal moment, realizing for themselves the truth of what the Buddha said in a direct, person, experiential way. In the Buddha’s very first sermon, conveyed in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, he shares the Four Noble Truths with five monks, and then:


“Gratified, the group of five monks delighted at his words. And while this explanation was being given, there arose to Ven. Kondañña the dustless, stainless Dhamma eye: [he saw] Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation… Then the Blessed One exclaimed: ‘So you really know, Kondañña? So you really know?’ And that is how Ven. Kondañña acquired the name Añña-Kondañña — Kondañña who knows.”[i]

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Eventually the other four monks also awaken, but after the Buddha’s first sermon we have Kondañña who knows, while the other four monks – who have just heard the exact same teaching – do not yet know.

I call awakening a “koan” in the sense that it’s something for us to wrestle with spiritually, and in the sense that it cannot be understood with our ordinary, discriminating mind. The koan of awakening figures prominently in the Chan, and later Zen, lineage of Buddhism, which eventually began to compile (supposedly) biographical accounts of the awakening experiences of each and every significant person in a Dharma lineage. The practitioner is described before and after they “get it, ” along with the circumstances of their awakening. Sometimes the moment of waking up is catalyzed by the words or actions of a teacher, sometimes by a moment of meditation, sometimes by an apparently random, mundane event like a stone swept across a courtyard striking a piece of bamboo. After awakening the person is usually overcome with joy, gratitude, and wonder. They’re able to satisfactorily respond to their teacher’s Dharma challenges, and their teacher acknowledges the student as having joined the ranks of those who


The extent to which the concept of awakening is taught or valued in modern, western places of Buddhist practice varies widely. Certain lineages, particularly Chan, Zen, or Korean Seon lineages that employ formal koan study, tend to emphasize the reality and importance of seeking a fundamental and radical shift in your view of the world and self – and in some cases, when a practitioner experiences that shift there’s a publicly acknowledged, or even celebrated,

Awakening The Buddha Within By Lama Surya Das

. Many other lineages, including Theravada and Vipassana but also many Chan and Zen lineages, place less of an emphasis on awakening experiences. They can’t deny Buddhism points to such a possibility, but teachers and centers encourage people to embrace their lives as they are and practice diligently without a particular goal. Many Buddhist teachers feel that as long as someone really practices, awakening – if it

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