5 Easy Steps To Get The Best Tattoo Aftercare Youll Be Glad You Did

Where To Get Tattoo Aftercare

This article was co-authored by Burak Moreno. Burak Moreno is a Professional Tattoo Artist with over 10 years of experience. Burak is based in New York City and is a tattoo artist for Fleur Noire Tattoo Parlour in Brooklyn. Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, he has worked as a tattoo artist throughout Europe. He works on many different styles but mostly does bold lines and strong color. You can find more of his tattoo designs on Instagram @burakmoreno.

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To choose a tattoo design, you should reflect on your personality, interests, and appearance. Take your lifestyle into account before choosing the tattoo size, placement, and coloring. Work out your budget and research local tattoo artists whose work you like. A tattoo can be a beautiful way to commemorate an important life moment, or to express your identity and interest.

Best Spot For A First Tattoo

This article was co-authored by Burak Moreno. Burak Moreno is a Professional Tattoo Artist with over 10 years of experience. Burak is based in New York City and is a tattoo artist for Fleur Noire Tattoo Parlour in Brooklyn. Born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, he has worked as a tattoo artist throughout Europe. He works on many different styles but mostly does bold lines and strong color. You can find more of his tattoo designs on Instagram @burakmoreno. This article has been viewed 835, 249 times.

To choose a tattoo design, find inspiration by looking at tattoos online. You can also book a consultation with a tattoo artist to look at their portfolio and discuss possible ideas, such as commemorating an important date or person. Picking a design that reflects your cultural background can be another meaningful way to approach creating a personalized tattoo. A tattoo can also represent a serious interest, such as a love of books, film, or comics. For more tattoo design ideas, keep reading!Many people get tattoos, and there is tons of advice on how to take care of your tattoo. Most of the tattoo aftercare information is overly complicated or just plain outdated information. That is why we made The Definitive Guide: 5 Step Guide To Taking Care Of Your Tattoo.

After you get your tattoo, the tattoo artist will wrap your tattoo (if they do not, maybe you went to the wrong artist). The first part of healing your new tattoo is to leave the tattoo wrapped for 2-4 hours before removing, this will help prevent infection. 

Tattoo Aftercare Is Crucial—here's How To Do It Right

Then, after 2-4 hours remove the wrap, and clean with a mild soap and water. Remember just wipe it lightly, you are not trying to scrub it off, all vigorous scrubbing will do is impede the healing process and make your new tattoo heal slower. We have a perfect All Natural tattoo aftercare soap available by clicking here

Finally, after the wrap is removed and the tattoo has been lightly cleaned, apply a tattoo aftercare ointment. The best tattoo aftercare ointments are designed for tattoos, such as Hustle Butter or Fisticuffs Tattoo Balm click here to buy. These are the best tattoo aftercare products because they are petroleum free, so they won’t clog your pores or make your new tattoo more itchy.  If you are in a pinch common products like, Aquaphor and Vitamin A&D ointment will work, but like I said about petroleum based products, they will clog pores, cause extra itching , and are not ideal for healing your tattoo.

Step two for taking care of your tattoo is very easy, so don’t overthink it. Apply a tattoo aftercare lotion or ointment 3 times daily for 5-7 days. If you notice the tattoo feeling extra dry in between the 3 times a day, then apply more tattoo aftercare lotion or ointment as needed.

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This may seem obvious, but many people get confused by this important part of taking care of your tattoo. When you apply the tattoo aftercare product you want to apply a thin layer, and rub it in like lotion. The skin where the new tattoo is should not oversaturated, it should feel just like the skin on the inside of your elbow. Not dry or overly moist, it should just feel well moisturized. This is essential to the the healing process of your new tattoo.


The third step to taking care of your tattoo is cleaning it. Cleaning your new tattoo is easy, use a mild soap like body wash and clean it just like you would the rest of your body when you take a shower. There is no need to clean your tattoo multiple times a day, unless of course your tattoo becomes dirty. However, it is very rare that someone needs to clean their new tattoo more than once a day, so if you shower on a daily basis this will be fine for taking care of your tattoo. 

After you have cleaned the tattoo let it air out a bit and dry. Then, apply aftercare lotion or ointment. See Step 2 above for more info on how to apply your tattoo aftercare lotion or ointment.

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Now that you have made it through the most crucial stage of taking care of your tattoo the first 5-7 days,  you can dial it back a bit. Your new tattoo should be healing well and on it’s way to looking more like it did the day you got it. At this point you can switch from a heavy tattoo ointment to a lighter lotion if you want. This lotion can be specifically for tattoos, but does not have to be. You can use a normal everyday body lotion like Lubriderm or something similar, I prefer unscented, but again this is up to you, click here for one we sell

Continue using this lotion 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days, then you my friend will have completed your tattoo aftercare and your tattoo will be healed and amazing looking.


You made you have successfully healed your tattoo! It took 2 weeks, but you persevered. It may have been a bit itchy, a bit difficult getting comfy in bed, and there might have been a couple times you doubted yourself…..

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Sorry all you water bugs out there, you need to avoid fully immersing your new tattoo for the first 2 weeks. This includes: The ocean, the lake, the pool, the hot tub, and any other still bodies of water where you would fully immerse your tattoo that I may have missed.

Let it fully heal for 2 reasons. 1: Because you want to have your skin fully healed before you damage it again. And  2: You need the tattoo to be fully healed before you can see what the actually tattoo will look like. The healing process can make the best tattoos look scary, until they fully heal, and again look beautiful.

That should cover how to heal your tattoo and tattoo aftercare in general. Let me know if there is something we didn’t cover or any other tattoo topics you were wondering about in the comments section below.Getting inked on the body is a life-changing experience. You would have whimsical ideas of designs but, at the same time, thousands of questions in mind regarding the tattoo studio and the artist. Will the artist give you the best tattoo or land you up somewhere between being shattered or disappointed, constantly pesters you. Visiting a new tattoo studio and sitting on the comfortable salon couches usually makes you feel genuine about the artists; however, things go much beyond this simple thought.


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However, its the understanding of the unspoken code and considerations, many times give you the confidence that your prospective tattoo artist and the studio is best for you. The reason being, the perfect artisan crafts perfect tattoo design, thereby enhancing your personality and appearance. She will be able to exactly depict the lifestyle and the culture you live in through your inked tattoo. Having said this, we understand that there are tens of thousands of tattoo artists and studios out there, which makes it extremely difficult for you to select one. However, in this blog, we will suggest some ways that will help you learn more about the selection of the best tattoo studio and artist.

It looks much like a no-brainer thought, but understand one thing that not every tattoo artist is able to print an intricate design. Right? Hence before landing up at a random parlour, turn around and observe the options. Figure out who specializes in what design because all tattoo artists are not equal. So before you rush into a rookie tattoo artist, take a step back, breathe and rethink about the artist.

Remember one thing, no profession is authenticated without an authorized certification or licence to work. Tattoo designing is a profession that has a high risk of harming the body if it is performed unprofessionally. A tattoo artist has two different categories, one who has formal training in the profession and the other just a scratcher. We are sure that you

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