14 EyeCatching Video Game Tattoos That Youll Want to Get Right Now

Video Game Tattoos Ideas

Video games and tattoos both have a lot in common, especially since both have gone from niche to mainstream within the last 30 years.

Avid gamers know that video games aren’t just a hobby; instead, they are a lifestyle and an obsession, which is exactly the same thing tattoo collectors talk of with their body art.


Gamer tattoos start with arcade classics like Pong and Pacman. From this point, it transitions to the frenzied world of Nintendo characters like Mario, Link and Donkey Kong.

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The industry exploded to included thousands of franchises like Halo, replete with world building, fully formed societies, economies, and religions. Many video games feature original designs that can make exquisitely hip tattoos.

Whether you are pursuing the charm of eighties arcade games or today’s hyper-realistic titles, you will certainly find a design to your liking in this collection of XX video game tattoo ideas.

Realism may be the hardest style of all to apply t o vide o game tattoos because so few video games make use of realism in their original form. There are a few that do adopt realism, meaning that this style of application can create incredible tattoos. A skilled artist can adapt stylized images with shading accuracy, correct color palettes and light manipulation to create realistic anatomically correct pieces that also obey the laws of physics and nature.

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Some video games look visually more impressive than others. Pokemon is at the head of that pack, with a bestiary of hundreds of cleanly designed and richly colored characters that were made for tattooing. Your artist needs to make sure that the outline is a solid, cleanly applied black (usually quite thick in a way reminiscent of American traditional tattooing), and that the single fill color saturation is spot on. Bu utilizing such recognizable characters if one aspect is off, the whole image can be compromised.

Did you enjoy these samples of Video Game tattoos. If you’re looking for more innovative designs check out the links to our other gamer galleries:games are competent shooters, certainly headier and more introspective than what you’d typically get with the genre. But they’re thematically messy, to put it politely, prone to myopic reductions of Philosophy 101 — certainly not the sort of thing you want etched on your body forever.

Instead, among many others.) But the lesson stands: It’s extremely easy to get a dumb tattoo. And it’s way more difficult to remove it. You’re better off just…getting it right the first time. If you’ve been mulling the idea of getting a gaming-themed tattoo, here — courtesy of tattoo artists who actually know their shit — is everything you need to know before taking the plunge.

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“Research is of the utmost importance, ” Crys, an artist with Fleur Noire, a tattoo studio with locations in New York and Los Angeles, told

. If you’re looking for a gaming-themed piece, an artist like her — one who plays and understands video games — is a good artist to start with. But not every tattooer has such a knowledge base, and finding the perfect fit isn’t as simple as punching “best tattoo artist” into your nearest search engine.

Economy?), you’re better off finding a studio via map services, like Yelp or Google Maps, with filters activated for the highest-rated places turned on. Cobble together a few that sound enticing, then peruse their Instagram page. (If you’re not signed up for Instagram, at the very least make a burner. You’ll need it.)

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Yes, every remotely reputable shop these days has an Instagram account, feeds for which are populated by an array of work from artists who post up at the shop. Scroll through the feed and you’ll quickly get a sense of whose style you like and how skilled they are. Find an artist whose work speaks to you and either send them a direct message or reach out to the shop they’re currently working with. Ask for a consultation — an appointment where you’ll meet with the artist to go over ideas for a design, its size, its placement on your body, and anything else you need to know.

It’s not essential, of course, but it’s a boon if the artist you’re working with has at least some familiarity with the game you’re getting etched onto your skin from now until the end of time. Designing a good piece isn’t purely a matter of knowing the characters or the narrative or the creative direction of a given game; it’s also about understanding a game on a gut level.


“The intangible feelings given by experiencing a video game would be tough to understand for someone who’s never played it, ” Dylan Oliver, an artist with Toronto’s Golden Iron Tattoo Studio, told

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. “Not every artist is going to have played every game, but having an artist who is willing to go the extra mile to research about the subject is ideal.”

A deep knowledge of popular games can also prevent an artist from making seemingly minor yet legitimately crucial errors. Shannon Ritchie, an artist at Red Rocket Tattoo in New York City, cited Link, the longtime protagonist in Nintendo’s

Series, as an example. Aside from the occasional misfire, Link is left-handed. Always has been. He wields his weapon, the Master Sword, in his left hand. The same is true for his version of the Triforce, the golden three-triangle symbol that’s served as a logo for the series since the ‘80s.

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If you’re hoping for quality work, you’re looking at a couple hundred bucks, minimum, for a smaller tattoo. A larger piece — say, something that runs the span of your forearm — could run up to a thousand. Sleeves, which typically require multiple sessions, can be several grand.

Once you’ve settled on a design, artists will quote you a price range. The ultimate cost is dependent on a number of factors, including the artist’s time and the amount of ink used for the piece. Be sure to set aside enough money plus a 20 per cent tip (at least), calculated per the high-end of the quote. And above all, make sure to pay in cash. Though many shops will accept card payments, they’ll tack on credit card surcharges of 8 or 10 per cent — not a terrible markup for everyday expenses but a pretty big ding when you’re talking about a triple- or quadruple-figure item.


“Skin isn’t paper, or a digital display, and a lot of digital content doesn’t exactly transfer, ” Ritchie said. “With any medium changeover you want to know what works within the parameters of each field. Tattoo art isn’t a digital medium and shouldn’t be approached as such.”

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Most artists will mock up potential artwork in a graphic design program before turning it into a tattoo. Pixel art may look

In an artist’s rendering, but unless you’re working with a highly specialised artist — like the globe-trotting Youthless, who’s known for vividly coloured retro-inspired pieces — it doesn’t always carry over well to skin. The same goes for other common styles of art, whether it’s intricately detailed landscapes or spitting-image photorealistic faces.

The stencil is typically more indicative than the initial design of what a final piece will look like on your skin. (Photo: Crys Ink)

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, tend to be pretty safe bets, Ritchie said. You can mess with them a bit, maybe reimagining one as a silhouette or doing it up in a different colour palette. However you approach it, symbols are by and large the easiest art to transpose from a video game to a human.

“​​You also probably shouldn’t get a tattoo of a character [who] looks cool and hyped-up but hasn’t debuted yet or fulfilled their story arc, ” Ritchie said.


, might seem tattoo-worthy right now, in the cold light of the first game’s riveting cliffhanger. And sure, most gamers are aware of Cloud’s story arc from the original source material, released in 1997. But Square Enix has proven it’s not afraid to take some serious creative liberties with this reimagination. It’s anyone’s guess as to where Cloud’s story goes — or how much of an arsehole he could become. You’re better off waiting until the

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“It can be very difficult for any artist you find to come up with a design for you if you end up with too many elements [or] incoherent thoughts, ” Crys said.

To be fair, mashing up characters — as if you’re Masahiro Sakurai and your forearm is your brainstorming whiteboard — isn’t strictly verboten in all cases. It’s just a matter of finding an artist who deeply knows gaming culture (if you know the rules, you can break ‘em, and all that jazz). Ritchie, for instance, cited a hypothetical design of

’s Link underneath a banner that reads, “Praise the Sun.” It’s a silly-sounding idea. It’s also awesome — and if the artist knows their stuff, they’d be able to execute it effectively.

Sick Video Game Tattoos

Plus, it’s the sort of piece you’ll never see anywhere else. “Since tattoo artists don’t deal with licensing, we can get away with things like that, ” Ritchie said.

Is a blast to design work for and a practically bottomless well for


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